Chapter 24

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I woke up as a happy soul. Ben was right beside me, after having a legendary event yesterday at the beach. I couldn't help but think about it, again and again. Everytime I thought about it, I had a shy smile on my face. I looked at Ben, sleeping like a log. We had a long night yesterday, talking and gossiping, playing games, sharing remnants of secrets with each other. After lots of chitter- chatter, we found our way to the bed, in each other's arms.

But today would be last of this. Mum and Dad will be back from their trip. Though I was reluctant of their return, I still missed them a lot. I turned to wake to my boy, kissing him on the forehead, "Wake up little halfling, it's 8 am."

I nudged him slightly, "Get up Ben. You have to go."

He rubbed his eyes, grasping the surroundings.

"It's Saturday, let me sleep some more.", he whined lazily.

"No, we have plans. Get up." I started pulling him out of the bed.


"Don't you know what the day is?"

He instantly opened his eyes, "Shit! Nitin's parent's marriage anniversary!"

"Glad you remember! Now get your ass out of the bed!"

One of the rules of the gang- celebrating anniversaries of the parents. We couldn't manage to celebrate it everytime, but still we strived to plan it.

The challenge this time was to get Nitin around. We saw this occasion as an opportunity.

Isha had somehow managed to convince Nitin for the plan. He was quite disinterested in our planning, reluctant to get himself involved. The work was divided- Isha & Krish were in-charge of decoration, I was for the cake & Ben for the gift. This time, I planned to bake the cake rather than buying one. I had never made one- this was my first try. But given the times I help Mum in making cakes, I am confident I can make one that is at least edible.

We cleaned ourselves and got back to work. Ben left to buy the gift, while I started the cake.

(One hour later)

"I'm back. How's the cake?", Ben came in when I was fidgeting with the hardened batter. The situation in the kitchen shouted two words- Code Red.

"What the hell happened here?"

"Shut up and leave if you are not going help."

"Okay, chill. I'm just asking what went wrong."

"Can't you tell from the condition of kitchen?", I was annoyed.

Without one more word, Ben came in and started tidying things. He had the situation in control in the next couple of minutes.

"Okay, now tell me, what do I help you with?"

I told him what to do. Slowly and steadily, we were able to remake the batter, the icing, heating the oven, baking the cake and decorating it. It was a chocolate cake, which we decorated with white icing, chocolate & cherry toppings. It didn't look professional, but we did try our best!

Ben sighed, "Finally done! I hope the two like it. What do you think?"

I smiled, "They will."

I kept the cake in fridge, and we settled in the hall for few moments of rest.

"What did you buy?"

"Oh boy, don't even start. The moment I entered the mall, I realized how clueless I was about what to buy. My initial idea was to buy clothes, but then I found these."

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