Chapter 37

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I hugged him tight, took in the familiar scent I missed all these years, all my happiness collected near my skull, about to burst out. Because that's how I was feeling- my head was bursting.

"Where were you? Why didn't you call me often? We promised to call each other. What kind of a person doesn't call his boyfriend?" I spoke between whimpers.

"I missed you Zach. I missed you so much." Finally leaving his hug, I looked at the shining face I could never forget. Same eyes, same crooked teeth peeking from his pleasant smile, same familiar touch making me feel light with happiness. Yet, it seemed that Chennai couldn't make my guy black, because he was white as lily.

Or has he become pale?

He said with a smile, "I missed you too, bud." He cupped my face, "I missed your lively face. No matter whichever city I went to, I couldn't find a face as bright as yours."

I whined, "Don't butter me up. I am not forgiving you for leaving me alone here."

"What can I do to appease my darling? Bring flowers?" And then, came few flowers from his pocket-wildflowers, probably plucked from this garden.

"Or bring some chocolates?" Then came some candies.

"Or someone's favourite Little Hearts?" Then came out a packet of Little Hearts.

"Give a hug?" Then, he pulled me in a hug.

"Or give a kiss?" Then came a sniff kiss.

"Or..." He pouted his lips to kiss me, but I pushed him back, "Stop!! People are watching!", we smiled at each other.

"Sorry to disturb you guys. But I think I should leave now."

I forgot Venu was here!

"Wait. Let me introduce you. Zach, this is Venu, my closest colleague. And Venu, this is Zach. My one and only love."

"Hi, nice to meet you. I have heard loads about you. I thought you were his best friend, but didn't know you both were....", and she just smiled.

"We are best friends. It's just that he is my companion as well." I proudly gloated about my boyfriend.

"Well then. I'll take your leave." Venu left us. I stuck to Zach like glue.

"Why are you here?"

"I have a photoshoot here. I had to beg my boss to send me for this job."

I smiled. "How long is your stay?"

"3 days. I will be busy for the next 2 days, but I have one day is reserved for you. And of course, I plan to finish it in a day and half."

"You don't have to rush the work. Even I have lectures all day."

"Ben, I want to spend my time with you, even if it is one spare minute. I have lost lots of time, and I swear, I am not losing any minute in the next 3 days."

We wandered around the park, catching up on each other- his work, my work, life at Chennai, life without Zach.

We went back home for lunch. Aunt Joe was delighted with Zach's sudden visit. She nagged him for not informing her beforehand- since she could have prepared a feast for him.

While having lunch, I told Aunt that we would spend the next few days at my house.

"Woah, you guys have grown up and still you betray me."

"I love you Aunty. You are the best!" Zach pleaded her.

"Come on, Aunty. Please! We met each other after so many years!"

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