Chapter 6

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Today I felt happy to start my day with a fulfilling breakfast with my best friend. I reached the floor where my classroom was. I can't help but smile as I keep recalling the prank that happened yesterday. I entered the classroom and scanned the room for Nitin.

"Hey, over here." He waved at me.

I found him and settled down.

"Oho, what happened? You just can't stop smiling today."

"Nothing happened. Just started my day with nice breakfast."

"Okay, I'll believe you."

There is still some time before the lecture starts. I'll have a short nap.

As I was trying to catch some sleep, I wandered around in my thoughts. I jumped from one to another and settled on yesterday's incident. It was the first time that I pulled his leg. But, I was not delighted about the prank itself, but because of Zach himself. Somehow, I can't forget his face after I kissed him. Baffled look, blushed cheeks and his attempt to hide the same. His peculiar smell, the soft touch of cheek on my lips.....Wait! What am I thinking?

I shook my head to push away these stupid ideas. Get yourself together, Ben! Maybe you need a girlfriend.

The professor came and the lecture started. At noon, I called Zach for lunch as we waited in the canteen for them.

"Hey, Krish, how are you feeling now?"

Krish had skipped the college yesterday. She replied, "Quite better. How was your day?"

Nitin, "Ordinary. But now you are here to make it extra-ordinary."

Krish, "Yeah. I will make it special for you."

Nitin, "Ouch! Krish Stop! It hurts!" Krish had stepped hard on his leg under the table.

"Try these punch lines on someone else. Now go place the order." Nitin did as she said.

As usual, Zach sat beside me. I eyed him as he settled. Inadvertently, my eyes settled on his cheek and all the memories rushed back. I was so lost that I didn't hear what he was saying. I came back when he waved his hand, "Hello, are you here?"

"Yeah. Sorry." The fuck is wrong with you? Zach is your friend! Besides, he is gay, you are straight. Stop this shit!

Nitin came back after placing our order. "Do you have lectures after the break? If not, let's go on a ride somewhere. It has been a while since we went wandering together."

Isha retorted excitedly, "I'm in!"

Krish, "Me too."

I replied, "I'm out."

Everyone shouted, "WHY?!"

I gave a smile and said, "Because Mr. Zach has to prepare PPT and I have to help him."

Zach whined, "Come on! Let's do it later na. It's been so long since we went somewhere together."

"Shut up Zach. You are not going."

"Hmph! You are so cruel."

"So be it. Guys, you go ahead and enjoy without us."

Zach gave me a glare. He looked around the table, but nobody gave him a helping hand.

Aha! Nobody dares to interfere when it is a matter between me and Zach.

We had our lunch and parted our ways. Zach was whining the entire way, but I paid no heed to him. We reached his home; Aunt Monica was sitting in the hall reading a book.

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