Chapter 28

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"Wake up Zach! It's 8:30!"

I heard my mother calling out to me. I was too tired to get up; last night was rough. Rough like hell.

I mean, what teacher gives an assignment and expects it completed in two days? Cruelty has crossed its line. I spent the past two days scratching the books to finish this stupid assignment. I slept at around 2 yesterday. Even the alarm couldn't wake me up today. Finally, my Mum had to come and wake me up. The more I struggled to open my eyes, the more I cursed the teacher.

I tossed aside the quilt, sitting up in my bed, eyes still closed.

"Zach, are you up?" I could hear Mum's distant shout. I forced my eyes open and struggled to get ready for the hellish day. After a refreshing bath, I put on fresh clothing and went downstairs to have some breakfast. My mood was as sour as lemon.

"Here, have some milk. You'll feel better." I had some bread butter with the milk. After filling my stomach, I found some energy to move around. Just then, our door-bell rang. I smiled.


We commute together, mostly on one bike. I picked up my backpack and bid my Mum goodbye. I rushed towards the gate. Ben was waiting for me.

"Thank goodness it's your turn to bring the bike. I was going to ask you to take your bike today."

"Actually, it's your turn today. But you are excused; since my babe has worked hard."

I gave him my biggest smile, "Let's go."

Just like our rush to the college, the rest of November passed by. Winter was bringing its pros & cons- blankets were out, sweaters & mufflers found their way up in the regulars section of cupboard. Days became shorter and colder, so visiting the beach was a definite no no. We did try to catch the sunset sometimes though. December, the last month of the year; became lazier this time. All of us were reluctant to make plans.

Our college had the 'days festival' during this time. Traditional day, mismatch day, red, blue, green & whatnot day. All five of us meticulously worked our clothes for the fest, making the best out of our last opportunity, so as we thought.

On the last day, the students had planned to organize an event, showing some great talents between us. Dancing, singing, small skits and poems were allowed. About 25 people had their acts; enough for 3-hour event. After the event, snacks would be given. Since it was a big event for us, we had asked professors and Principal were invited as guests.

What were we going to perform? Well, Isha and Krish were going to dance, but the person in spotlight was Mr. Ben- the host of the show!

Ben liked to be on stage. He always wanted to act, but never got for plays, even in school. But now, he had the chance to show his talent. He meticulously wrote the script, adding quotes, some one-line jokes and finally- his very first script was ready. He was excited for the day.

"Zach, come practice the lines with me." I would assist him by reading the lines of his co-host.

We would sometimes join Isha and Krish, watching them practice their dance. They had set a great dance, portraying school life and school days. They had selected a Marathi song- "School days". On the day of the event, I went to his place, helping him gather his stuff, since he needed to get ready at college. We had to arrange things at the college auditorium, setting lights, setting the props, arranging chairs, checking sound, etc. So, he was to get ready just before the event. Slowly, the hall filled up with students and teachers. We welcomed our Principal and asked her to say few words at the start of the show. Ben looked wonderful on-stage, handsome and confident.

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