Chapter 50

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"How about we have something here? I am famished."

I pointed towards a place. Ben's instant reaction- denial. Chuckling, I pulled him, "Come on now, we are not kids anymore."

It was the Momo house; where we made that innocent promise, where we fought, and are back- reunited. After ordering something, we finally settled at a table.

"It's been long I came here.", I said with excitement.

"True. Even I stopped coming here after the owner changed."


"Yes. The shop owner passed away, and the shop was bought by someone else."

"I hope we will like the change.", I commented.

I went back to the day when Ben saw Yash and me here. I looked at him and pondered on the reasons for his reactions. How he supressed his love for me in the box of naïve jealousy and the foolish me who thought about himself as someone righteous and high, correcting his wrongdoings. And then, realizing the cause for his behaviour.

He was always naïve, will always be. Why do I like you so much?

And when this thought struck me, I instantly got up, "I'll use the loo."

I rushed away and stopped in the washroom. Stop your fucking head!!

I went outside, and Ben was waiting with the order.

"I hope Venu likes the gifts."

"She will."

We munched our food and took a parcel for Mum. I hesitated, but Ben confidently said, "She will eat it if I am the one who is serving."

I felt pity for him, because Mum hated Momos! But I didn't stop him, I wanted to watch the upcoming drama. While we were returning, Ben asked, "Why did you insist on going there?"

"No particular reason. I saw it and felt like eating there."

At home, Mum had the Momos, which surprised me a lot. She looked better than my expectations. I noticed that she avoided conversation with me, and I was fine with it. As long as she seemed good, anything was fine for me. Ben left, leaving me and Mum.

I approached her after a while, "Mum, should we prepare dinner together?"

She said with stern face, "Sit here."

I sat beside her on the bed, unable to look into her eyes.

"Does Yash know about all this?"

I nodded in affirmation.

"Zach, why are you telling me all this now?"

This was the real deal- the hardest part of confessing.

I raised my voice, "Because you deserve the truth!"

And I have no hopes left for living! I am dying Mum!

Unable to shout out the words, I shed tears to convey my hopelessness.

"And how am I supposed to accept the fact that my only son is about to die from a deadly disease?"

She hugged me hard; and it still felt warm. This was the first hug I got since we came here. We cried quietly, patting each other. After a few moments, Mum said, "I need rest."

I quietly left her hug and the room. I was worried for her; I knew it was hard to accept this. And since she is a mother, this affects her the most. Mentally and physically exhausted, I waited for Mum to fall asleep. I was breathless and needed external support. After a while, I tiptoed inside and pulled my oxygen cylinder outside. After putting on the mask, I closed my eyes and settled quietly, drifting in sleep.

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