Chapter 34

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(5 years later)

I parked my bike and looked at the building in front of me. I picked up my bag and started walking towards it. There were teenagers everywhere here. I treaded through the beautiful lawn, smiling to the kids who were greeting me. It was the first day of the college. I could hear excitement everywhere; excitement to meet old friends after a long time, excitement for the upcoming year.

The building was old, constructed in 90s. The college itself had a history of 13 years, witnessing the changes coming with new generations. Walls of big stones, huge windows with wooden frames and long corridors opening at the veranda in the middle of the building. Though some parts of the building were renovated and one of the main buildings was reconstructed, the old building was the life of this college.

I entered this building, and used the stairs to get to the staff room on second floor. Everyone was there today since it was the first day.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Benedict Lobo. You can call me Ben."

"Oh, hello! Mr. Ben! We were waiting for you. Or should I call you Prof. Lobo?" A stalky woman with pretty eyes welcomed me.

"Anything would do, Geetha Ma'am. You can just call me Ben." I replied with a shy smile.

I knew everybody in the room- since I graduated from this college. While pursuing my Masters' degree from this college itself, I applied for the post of Junior Professor here. Geetha Ma'am helped a lot during this process. After completing some required certificate courses and my Masters, they recruited me as a Junior Professor. Today was my first day- as an Economics Professor. Everybody congratulated me and we went to Principal's cabin for a quick meeting.

After the meeting, we went to our allotted classes to start the lectures. I was appointed as the homeroom teacher to a first year class- Division B. Though I was nervous as hell, I held it all and entered my class. The chaos quietened once I went on the teacher's podium.

"Good morning students! I am your homeroom teacher for this year, Ben Lobo. I'll be teaching you Economics. I hope all of you have got your ID Cards. Now, from Roll no. 3000 to 3020, come up here and introduce yourself to the Class. Till that time, I'll mark your attendance as well."

After the lectures, all the teachers gathered in the staff room for lunch. It felt weird- till yesterday, I came here as a student looking at the Professors sitting around the table, but now I am sitting at the table and will look at the students coming for me. By 4, the college ended. After bidding everyone a bye for the day, I got on my bike and left for my home. Within 10 minutes, I reached the destination.

"You are back, Ben? Want some tea?"

"Sure, Aunty. It was a long day." Aunt Joe brought me some tea, which refreshed my entire being.

I had shifted at Aunt Joe's when I started my Masters. I would pull all-nighters for studies, so it was hectic to travel to college from my house, so I shifted at her place since it was just 10 minutes from my college. I went to my house on weekends, cleaning and tidying it. Then, I would spend some time at the beach, watching the sunset. Now that I had shifted to the main town, I couldn't find time to watch this beautiful sunset. All I missed at this moment was Zach. I never mentioned him during these 5 years, because I would crumble merely at his name itself. There was not a moment when I didn't think about him. 'Oh! If Zach was here!', 'Zach would be happy to know this.', 'Zach would have killed him for me.', 'Zach would have slept if he was here.' Every now and then, I would think of what Zach would have done if he was here. Even though the frequency had reduced, in initial days it was at an alarming stage.

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