Chapter 49

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It was true that Ben and Venu were dating, but as for me and Yash- well I had to beg on knees for him to accompany me. After I told him what I had done, he fought with me, pure anger towards me. Yash didn't talk to me for a month; but when I was told about this plan, I contacted him again. Within one minute, he disconnected the call; suggesting his rejection to follow me. I had become a loner, completely. But just a day before the lunch, he messaged me that he would join us. And I silently thanked him.

(Back to present)

Ben looked at me and I looked away. I knew, my face would give away what I was feeling. I pulled my hand, "Let's go now, everybody would find it suspicious."

Ben teased, "Don't worry, everybody knows that we need time. The type of fights we have is scary enough for people to give us our required space."

I chuckled, "True that!"

I felt light, all my loneliness and dullness disappeared after speaking it out. We went out, where everybody was buzzing in conversation.

"...And then, Nitin kept on counting the gifts he had bought, forgetting that one was in my hand."

Everybody was laughing, including Nitin.

"Let's have lunch.", Mum pushed everyone.

I almost cried eating Mum's food. It had been 2 years since I touched homemade food. After lunch, Jamey pulled me aside.

"ZachBro, let's go for a walk, please?"


We strolled in our society; and looking around brought mixed feelings. Jamey suddenly started, "You still have lot to answer."

I looked at him. His face was still, stern eyes and eager ears. I never found this little guy intimidating before.

"Ask away. I'll answer all the questions I can."

"You have no option but to answer all the questions."

I walked away, ignoring his warning. He quietly said, "Otherwise I would have no choice but tell BenBro about your condition."

Alarmed, I skipped a heartbeat. I turned around and questioned, "What condition?"

"Something you have been hiding from all of us, something that only you and Yash bhaiyya knows."

I didn't know what to say. Did he find out about my illness? But how? We have never met in these years, and I have nothing at this house that would hint towards my illness. Did he overhear something?

I cautiously approached him, "Fine, I'll answer all your questions. But in return, you will have to tell me what you know."

We sat on a bench in the society's garden. Jamey looked serious, "Do you still love BenBro?"

"I do. But only as a friend.", I lied.

"Are you really dating Yash?"

A tricky question. "Everybody can see I am."

"It means you are over BenBro?"

"What are you trying to get out of me Jamey?", agitated I retorted.

He got up, and replied with rage in his eyes, "I want see the levels of lies you can achieve."

And saying so, he stormed away, leaving me dumbfounded. I was terrified about the things that Jamey might have found out. I headed upstairs after another hopeless bout. At around 6, we all departed. Mum wanted to accompany me; and I allowed her to do so. She would find out about my IPF, and I was ready to reveal it. She deserved to know the truth. She was quite happy, talking continuously during our journey. I showed her my flat, and she quickly settled in my space.

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