Chapter 5

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I dashed out after giving Ben the packets. Within half an hour, I reached my home. I threw my bag on the table and sprang on the bed.

Someday, I will definitely kill that jerk.

But I knew in my heart that it was impossible. If anybody is to die first, it will be me.

I started feeling sleepy. I closed my eyes and drifted in slumber.

I woke up when my Mum came to wake me up. She had made Rum cake and wanted me to take it to Ben's.

"Mum, I am not going. He's pissed me enough today."

"Zach, he is your friend. If he doesn't piss you off, who will?"

I was shocked. "Excuse me, Ma'am. I AM YOUR SON; he isn't."

She patted my cheek, "I am Sorry, sir; you may not be, but he definitely is."

I covered myself in my blanket. I AM NOT GOING!

"Zach, get up and go."

The annoying voice in my head started harassing me again. I tried to ignore it; but before I could even duel with it I was already downstairs. I am going to give up fighting with you!

I walked to Ben's house. I ran his bell. Why do I care about him so much?

The voice bothered me again: Because ....You love him.

He opened the door while I was lost in thinking. "Hey."

I faltered, "Um......I came to give this." I handed him the container. "Mum made rum cake. Asked me to bring it to you."

"Oh. Come na. Your favourite cartoon is up."

I went in, and relaxed myself on his sofa; watching my favourite cartoon. He sat beside me, but I refrained from speaking. He initiated and apologized.

Still, I didn't say a word. Now, even he fell silent. I know; he thinks that I need time to cool off. That once I cool down, my brain starts processing things. But this rule doesn't apply to him. Whenever I fight with him, I keep quiet because I KNOW what he thinks about what I think. And I like his pampering. Just a few glares at him, and he gets restless.

After sometime, I got bored of this pretence. I put my hand on his back, "I hope I won't have to act this way again. You know I can be very stubborn." I said coldly, even though I was distraught.

Ben, "Yes, I won't do it again." I gave him a smile. He was visibly relieved. We continued watching TV. I was so absorbed in watching my cartoon that I almost jumped when Ben's head fell on my shoulder. I adjusted my pose so that he would snuggle closer to me.

This is it. Small moments I steal. Small secrets I feel proud to keep. Small memories I feel happy about. I looked at his face. A typical thought passed through my mind: He looks cute when asleep. We Indians are pretty 'filmy'; we need Drama in everything. Just like a hero gazing at his sleeping princess, even I thought of staring at my prince charming. Before I could stop my trail of thought, I was already peeking at him. Some more 'filmy' thoughts: Even his ordinary visage is special for me. With my finger, I traced his twitching eyebrow, his eyelashes, his bumpy nose, his lips.... I averted my gaze. I keep forgetting.......that I am about to have a boyfriend.

My unwavering feeling for Ben never held me from having relationships. Human emotions are quite complicated. We never feel only one emotion at a time. So even if I love Ben, doesn't mean I won't be able to love someone else. I currently have eyes on someone named Yash. He is sweet, kind and similar to Ben in physique. We met through a dating site and have been in contact for a month now. We have met virtually; yet to meet physically. I have set some rules for relationships:

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