Chapter 33

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"Ben don't distance yourself from us. You two are a part of my family. The things that you are concerned about, I'll be happy to teach you. Don't worry at all. I even have a better idea, why don't you and Jamey come with us? Since we are moving to Pune, you can stay with us. There are better opportunities there, easy access to all amenities. I am getting a house there through my company, it's big enough for all of us. As for your house here, we can keep it as it is or rent it out, as you wish."

Shit! I looked at Ben. He will feel betrayed! What am I to do now!

He looked at me, but I avoided his gaze. I couldn't confront him. Whatever my reason, I should have told him. I knew about it since Grammy passed away. Just a week after Grammy's death, Dad got his transfer letter. I insisted them that I would stay back, but they already had plans ready for me. Since I had told him I wanted to pursue photography, Dad had found a good college for me there.

"I'll think about this Uncle, thank you. I'll go to sleep, Good night, folks."

How much I wanted to follow him! But there was no point in doing that, at least not now.

Tomorrow our results will be announced, maybe then I can talk to him.

The next day, I woke up with running nose and cold. I went down, nobody was at home. I went to the kitchen and looked for some medicines, where I found some cold-reducing medicine. I got myself something to eat, took the pills and went back to sleep. After the results were announced, Dad rushed to my room and scared to death.

"Zach! Wake up my boy! Why are you still in bed? Did you see your score? I am so happy for you!"

I woke up, feeling better. When I saw my result, I was satisfied, but not happy. I wanted to share my happiness with Ben. Yet another day passed when we couldn't talk to each other. I found it funny- when we were separate, we spoke to each other at least once in a day, but now that we live in the same house, we can't even get a glimpse of one another. When we got together at dinner table, I tried to catch him alone, but someone would end up calling him for something. And then, he spoke with Dad about his plans- that he wanted to stay here and send Jamey with us. I was not at all happy.

In the afternoon, when I was sitting in my room reading a comic, somebody knocked my door.

"Come in. Oh Ben, you could have just come in. Why the knock?"

"I didn't want to catch you in some uncomfortable situation."

"Stop being so distant. I know you are mad at me, but this attitude is too much."

He sneered. "I am sorry. I just came to clear the air between us. We need to talk, right?"

"Sit." I pulled him to sit in front of me. His eyes had changed, they had lost the shine.

"I am sorry for not telling you. Whatever the situation, I should have told you. But you were in grief, Ben. I didn't have the heart to tell you this. I really was looking for a way to tell you." I almost gulped down my tears. I didn't wish to leave him here alone.

"It's okay, Zach. I understand. First, I was angry, but then I gave it a thought. I was not in the condition to listen anything. You don't have feel so guilty." He held my hand.

"I love you, Ben."

"I love you too."

After getting some burden off my chest, I asked him, "Now, will you tell me why you won't come with us?"

"I want to stay here, Zach, in my house. I can't leave all this behind suddenly. And you know that I can stay here on my own. My only concern was Jamey. And your father is kind enough to take him with you."

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