Chapter 55

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"Isha, I can't go now. I have loads of work and I need to submit it in the college."

"Shut up. I don't want any excuses. We all have busy schedules and yet we are willing to take some time off. Stop whining like a child."

I had no option but to follow her.

"At least tell me where we are going."

"Don't worry. I won't take you to hell."

"That was funny."

I realized we were going to my old house. Nitin and Krish were already waiting for us.

"All of you planned this."

Isha smiled. "Yes!!"

We went inside and settled. I brought water for everyone.

"So, how is life, Professor Ben?"

After a while, the doorbell rang.

Could it be.....

But when I saw who it was, I was startled. "Nikita, what are you doing here?"

"Actually, Venu ma'am is also here. I wanted a change in study environment, and what would be a better place than your house?"

And saying so, she sneaked into the house, sitting with everyone. Venu followed her after giving me a glare.

Nikita smiled politely, "I hope you don't mind me here."

Isha replied with a smile, "Not at all."

"Venu Ma'am, lets go upstairs. I have a nice corner where we can sit and study."

I scolded, "Not upstairs! I warned you earlier, anywhere but upstairs."

Nikita gave me a dull face and went to the guest room. "I'll join you guys later.", and Venu quietly followed her.

I glanced towards the women disappearing into the room. After 2 hours, Krish got up and went into the room. How much I wished to follow her!

But then, Krish came out and called me.

Thank God! Finally, I can talk with Venu!

"I'll leave you two alone. Nikita, can you come with me?"

And I was left alone with Venu.

"Hey. How are you?"

After clearing everything with Venu, I felt better. We went outside and joined the people. Slowly, we mixed up in the conversation. Suddenly, Krish said, "I'll be back in sometime."

And then, he came. I didn't know what to feel about him anymore. My wound was still open. Everybody was startled to see him here. He awkwardly said, "Hi, guys."

And he never looked at me. He settled far away from me and Venu. Still, I was getting conscious. I stopped my thoughts and got back in the discussion. We were so engaged that I didn't notice Zach had left the space. I saw him when I went in the kitchen to drink some water.

Where is he going?

I saw him get into the car. I went outside and slowly and peeked what was happening. And then, what I saw shook me up. Zach was in the back seat, with a mask put on. And beside him, there was a small machine.

Flabbergasted. Angry. Frightened. Numbed.

Now that I had seen it with my own eyes, I felt betrayed.

Why would he hide it from us?

I went inside and sat on a chair, lost in thoughts. I didn't know what to do.

"Hey! Lost fellow! We are playing cards. Are you joining?"

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