Chapter 15

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Even though I came prepared for this, even though I knew what I had to say, my heart was still beating like insane. It is not everyday that you confess to your crush. The hesitation was absent but the nervousness was still there. It was the moment I had dreamt, imagined, hoped, rehearsed, and discarded umpteenth times. Years of mental rehearsal was zero help to me at this moment. With my soul powering the words, I said them to him, "It's you."

(11 days ago)

I sat in back of car, still agitated that I was being dragged to a trip. I was feeling bad about my behaviour but I really had no heart to accompany them. If I wasn't going to enjoy it, then what's the point in joining them?

You will enjoy it, Zach. Just go with the flow. I am sure you will enjoy it once you are there.

I relaxed myself and went to sleep thinking that it would be a good change. We reached the destination. It was a quiet place- a cottage not too far away from our house. Hardly 2 hours distance, I was relieved that it would be easy to go back home. Dad seemed excited, but I think he was so eager that he might be jumping in his heart out of happiness. Mum was also thrilled. We went to our allocated cottage and rested for a while. In the evening, we went out for fresh air and some tea. The area was very decent. A quiet place located far from the city; it was perfect for small trips. The place was wide, having around 10 cottages in total. There was a water body (or a pond) in the middle, the cottages surrounded it. There were ducks and fishes swimming in the pond, and a nice wooden bridge was built on it to cross the structure.

Despite the cold weather, Mum and Dad were enjoying themselves. I had my tea and took their leave.

Let them get some time with each other. Meanwhile, I'll just take a nap.

I went back to the room and slept. Mum woke me up for dinner. I was fresh as a lily, but I got dreary with the idea of becoming an owl for the night with all the sleep. We had a fabulous time at the dinner- Dad was cracking jokes by pulling Mum's leg, and she was pretentiously responding to it. It all seemed like a child's play. I was happy, there were happy, everybody was happy!

The next few days was a joy for my parents but a killjoy for me. All the guests occupying the cottages were people with big, working kids. There was bloody nobody my age here! I was a cooped-up hen left free to roam in an open field. As promised, I insisted Mum & Dad about going home. But they were reluctant. Finally, we decided that they will be staying for 1 more week, while I'll return home for my college. I waved them a bye, gave them a hug, flew them a kiss and took their leave. I reached home around 8. Since I was alone, I didn't turn on the lights. I went straight to my room and pushed myself on the bed. I was not sleepy or tired, I was lazy. I had to go back to college, so I just decided to become a sloth for the next 2 days. I closed my eyes and just went with the flow of thoughts- the past few days were worth a page in the life's book. Ben's apology, our fight, Mum & Dad's surprise plans, the fun at Nitin's place, beautifully dressed Krishnaa, the oyster from Ben! Shit! I totally forgot about it! I instinctively sat upright.

How do I ask for it? We are still not on talking terms.

I hated this awkwardness. Closer the friendship, difficult it is to handle these situations. If it was anybody else, we could go even up to their houses with not even a glint of remorse on sorrow on the face, regardless of the person at wrong. But when you are in a close relation, it gets hard to even speak up first, because we know that person, his actions & reactions, we understand his feelings, and unintentionally take person for granted. I am quiet because he is wrong, he is quiet because he knows I'm angry- poor oyster has been orphaned amidst all this!

Sighing loudly, I went to open the window. It sure was cold out, but the house was locked for long, the air had got stuffy. I stood by the window for some time, taking in the seemingly ordinary picture of my neighbourhood which now felt something special. I felt I was in a movie scene, where the main character was standing by the window holding a cup of an unknown hot drink, taking small sips. I took in the familiar smell of my neighbourhood, satisfying both my lungs with the oxygen it asked for and the brain with the sense of familiarity. The moment was in itself simple yet pacifying.

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