Chapter 21

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I woke up at 9. When I came back, Aunt was already asleep. But she had kept my food on the table, which I ate quietly and went to bed. I covered myself with the blanket and thought back on what happened. I closed my eyes and recalled it. I just couldn't stop smiling. I was insanely happy and wanted to tell this to everybody- Krish, Isha &......Nitin. I realized I never told Nitin that I am a gay. On top of that, now Ben & I are dating.

He will kill us for not telling him anything. Maybe I should talk with him.

I decided to speak with him the next day. It was a difficult task, but I hoped others would help.

I got ready for the day. Aunt was already up making breakfast. Freshly baked bread, milk & cake. Though I always have fruits in breakfast, I didn't mind a heavy one today.

"Where did you rush to yesterday? And when did you come home?"

I told her everything. I never hide anything from her. She knew I liked boys, and she knew everything about me- except about my crush on Ben, which I never told anyone. She was very happy when she heard me.

"Zach that's great my boy! I am so happy for you!"

I smiled. I loved how she shared my happiness. All this seemed like a dream, so I enjoyed every moment.

"So, what's your plan?"

"Well, I am just waiting for my parents to return, so that I can go back home- near him."

"I am not talking about that, Zach. Now that you both are together, it will be a long term relation. You have to tell this to John & Moni."

I looked at her, worried. I always had this on my mind, but I was waiting for the right time. Actually, I was just scared to tell them. My parents are open-minded, but I didn't know whether they could accept me. I just didn't want to disappoint them. But I would have to tell them the truth someday, right?

"I know Aunty. I just don't know how. I don't know what they feel about this, and whether they would be able accept me."

"But you have to tell them someday. Zach, promise me, you will tell them the truth with your own mouth. They should not hear about this from someone else."

"I promise Aunty. I will be the one to tell them. If necessary, I'll ask for your help as well."

"Anytime my son."

I hugged her. She patted me.

"Zach, tell me something. Aren't your holidays over?"


"Then why are you here?"

"I am on a trip."

"Yes, right. But you WERE on a trip. Now that you are back, you have to go to the college."

"Aunty! Let it be! Mom & Dad are not here. Let me enjoy for few days."

She smiled. "Zach, GO BACK HOME & GET YOUR STUFF!"

And I was back home- collecting my books for college. But since I agreed to go to college, I made a deal with her- I'll return home. She lost her shit.

"Why did you come here if wanted to go back home? Not fair, Zach."

"Come on, Aunty. I really came to spend some time with you. But now, things have changed. Please let me go."

She agreed after lots of pleadings. By the time I reached home, it was almost noon. Then, Krish messaged me, 'Code red! Crisis here!'

I called her, "What's the matter?"

She told me that Ben told her & Isha everything and planned to tell Nitin. They helped him, but Nitin got furious and left without listening to the whole story. I got worried.

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