Chapter 48

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"Actually, we visited this place two days ago.", Venu replied. We were at the hills Ben and Venu visited. I had completely forgotten about this and stupidly included this place in the tour. We were hot and cold- Ben and me. He frequently pinched me using his sarcastic comments and I beared with it hopelessly. But then, after a while, he got quiet and absent-minded. I really wanted to shake him and lecture him about his moodiness but I didn't want to ruin the trip. At one such location, when we were at a beautiful valley, Venu approached me.

"Hi, Zach! This place is amazing I must say. Do you like travelling?"

"Not travelling per say, but I get to travel due to my job."

"It's great."

We went quiet for few moments, and I started wondering about the real reason she approached me for.

"This is something I have never told anyone. But, you deserve to know this."

Puzzled, I pointed at an empty bench, "Let's sit and hear what you have to share."

She continued, "Did Ben tell you how we met?"

I nodded in denial.

"I was in Mumbai, to attend a close relative's wedding. And suddenly I had to rush to find a washroom, because I thought I was on my periods. We were at that horrible bus-stand and I desperately looked for a washroom. And I forgot my phone between all the rush. I went inside the washroom, but no one was to be found. I came out and saw Ben. I asked him for his phone and called my mother. I don't know how, but he understood the situation and offered me to buy sanitary napkins. I was embarrassed back then, but I knew it was a kind gesture."

"You know, I have never been in a relationship. But I always imagined what kind of person I would like to spend my life with. And the day I met Ben at the bus-stand, I just knew I wanted someone like him. I tried to look for him on social media, but it didn't help. I always had him on my mind, that maybe I would meet him again someday. Believe me, I was the happiest when I saw him again at the college, as my colleague. The more I got closer to him, the more I fell for him. After mustering up my courage, I finally decided to confess. The day you came to meet him, was the day I was going to do that."

I listened to her, stunned.

"I have never thought about somebody so much, to the point where I started thinking whether my dress is in place or not, whether I smell nice or not, whether I blabber or not."

She turned towards me, "I like him, Zach. I really do."

I looked at her, and then averted my gaze. I didn't know what to say. I felt like a fool.

Why is she doing this? Why now?

"You must be wondering why I am telling you this. Why now of all times?"

"I know you two are facing tensions. You must have noticed the change in his behaviour. Between you two, I have always thought you were the mature one- the silent keeper. Ben doesn't know anything about this. That's why I am telling you everything."

I quietly kept on listening to her.

"I really want you two stay together. Ben's intention of making you feel jealous by using me, are wrong. And I spoke to him about this. What I want from you is to talk your stuff and resolve it. The more you hold back, the more you'll fall apart."

I looked at her, her face sombre, eyes pleading.

"Venu, why are you helping me when you like him?"

She smiled, "I don't know. But I know one thing for sure- I want the best for him, and that is you."

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