Chapter 47

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(6 months later)

Months passed like a day; days passed by like an hour. I resolved to stay in my best, rigorously following my schedule. My doctors encouraged and appreciated my efforts. The illness was consuming me; and I was trying my best to stop it. I spoke with Ben every day, and I kept in touch with Mum. Somewhere, I could see things falling in place. Yash would visit me once or twice a month. I understand his site visits here, but I wondered whether it can be this regular. Like I had asked Ben, I was preparing myself. The only downside was my transplant. I was happy to be on list, but when I knew there was a small child in the list, I gave up my place. Yash wasn't happy with my decision, obviously. But I was satisfied with what I did, fully prepared for the consequences I would be facing. But who knew the surprises destiny had planned for me! Ben came to Chennai! For me! And let's not stop here- I fainted! The very day Ben came!

Just like any other day, I got ready for work, attended my morning meeting. I did feel uneasy, but I felt it was nothing serious. But then, I started feeling giddy, and I fainted. The next thing I saw was Ben, standing beside me. I believed it to be a dream sequence; still I asked this person, "Huh!! Ben, what are you doing here??!! When did you come?"

"Oh! I came this morning. I was going to surprise you, so I called Yash to ask your whereabouts, and he told me you were here. What in the world is happening to you? Have you sold yourself to work? Thinking of giving up on food? Doctor said it is fatigue. Do you understand- FATIGUE!!"

He was shouting at me, and it took time to settle what had been told to him, because the moment I realised that this was no dream, my head started throbbing. But when I heard him, I was relieved.

"Are you done? Can I get a chance to speak??" I was surprised with my dry voice.

"Have this first. You scared me Zach. Please, take care of yourself."

I need to speak with Yash. Just what in the world has happened?

I asked Ben, "Did Yash bring me here? Where is he?"

"Yes sir! He brought you here, but I kicked him out!! Because I know he won't let me scold you.", he kept scolding me.

"Can you call him for me please? I have to tell him something."

Reluctantly, he called Yash.

Concerned, I spoke with him, "Hello, Yash?"

"Zach, how are you feeling? I hope everything's fine there."

"Can you come here? Please?"

"I can't now. Ben just kicked me out. But I'll come if you insist."

"Okay, thanks."

Relieved, I took few big breaths, filling my half- hardened lungs with new air.

"Yash will come. You lie down. I'll go and call a doctor."

"I'll go, you stay", Venu immediately got up and left to call the doctor.

"You'll be fine. Don't worry. I'll get you back on your feet!", Ben said to me.

I smiled, happy to see him. Venu came back with a doctor. After checking, he said, "Can you get up?"

Ben helped me sit up. The doctor asked me, "Do you have headache?"

Hesitant and anxious, I replied, "No."

"Feeling dizzy?"

"No."; I wanted this to end, wanted him to go.

"Who is this? Where did Yash go? Why isn't he here for you right now? Even after know..."

"Doctor, this is Ben. Yash left for his work", I interrupted him.

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