Chapter 43

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I found myself locked in a room. It was my old room, but dark and dusty. Bed with a broken leg making it creak; messy table with torn and nibbled books scattered over it, dead plants with bugs all over the pot in my window. I looked around; and then looked at myself. My hands had blisters coated with dust, clothes smelly and murky. When I tried getting up to wash my face, I stumbled and fell. I noticed my leg was chained to the bed. I tried pulling at it, banged to break it, but all in vain. Then, I felt some movement behind me. I turned around and saw no one. But then my eyes fell on something written on the wall- 'I know you are secretly attracted to her.' I turned to pull at the chain and found a post-it note fallen near me, on which was written- 'I know you are secretly attracted to her.'

Scared, I could only call out to people- Zach! Jamey! Grammy! Mum! Dad! Aunt Joe!

I kept pulling at my leg, which was now bleeding from the scrapes and scratches. I picked up a paper weight fallen under the bed and hit it on the chain. Miraculously, the chain broke. I rushed out towards the bathroom and threw out all I had in my stomach. I felt nauseous, giddy, and cold. I saw myself in the mirror- bruised eye, torn lips, cuts on cheek and forehead. I washed my face, only to find some orange water trickling through the tap. I was scared for my life; I wanted to get out of this place. The house I once loved was not there anymore, it had turned into a haunted house. I rushed out of the house; but stopped in the living room. There was a big 3-feet picture frame hanging there. Though covered in webs and dust, I could see the faces clearly- Isha, Nitin, Krishnaa, Yash, Venu and Jamey. Jamey was holding a picture in his hand. I went to close to the frame, wiped it clean with my hand. The horrifying picture drained the remaining drops of blood from my body. The photo Jamey held belonged to Zach. Everyone had a faint smile on their faces. But what scared me wasn't Zach's photo or their creepy smiles, it was their dresses. There were few blood stains on their clothes, while each one of them seemed to be holding something in their hand. But that thing in Yash's hand was clear- a knife, dripping with blood. And then on the floor, in the far corner of the frame was a faint yet clear spot, a face. Just the face, covered with blood, eyes open looking at me. My face.

I woke up in puddle of sweat, screaming for my mother. After the incident at the hospital, I couldn't think of any place other than our old house to return. With numb and blank mind, I boarded a bus and trudged my way to the house. And then, I fell on the couch and drifted in sleep, only to wake up from a nightmare. Judging by the brightness, it was evening. My heartbeat had risen to an alarming speed, with my brain banging hard to come out. It took me heavenly efforts to get up and find some water to drink. All I could think about was my dream. I looked around the house and a streak of fear passed through my spine. I couldn't hold it in anymore. With one hand on covering my mouth, I rushed out of the house, vomiting right in our veranda. I sat down, tired and exhausted. The throb in my head reduced as warm tears flowed down my cheeks.

Save me! Somebody! Please!

All I could do was cry out my heart, which I did silently. Copious tears flowed out, emptying out the anxiety and fear. After a while, when I had found some peace, I looked back at my house.

I can't do this.

I got up, went inside, picked up my phone and ran out of the house. I managed to call Krish.

"Hi man! What's up?"

"Krish! Krish help me! Please!"

"Hey....slow down. What's wrong?"

"Please come here! Get me out of here!"

"Okay tell me, where are you?"

She was here within minutes. She pulled me in her car and brought me to a place I saw only after I woke up. I was in a small clinic. I searched for her, "Krish, Krish?"

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