Chapter 18

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Yes! Ben, it's bloody you!

He was motionless. I held my position, still close to his ears. What I did felt heroic when I did, but I was embarrassed to confront him now. I just couldn't move. How should I face him now?

I could hear my heart ringing in my ears, and at the same time I could feel his rising heartbeat. He hugged me tighter, snuggling his face in my neck. I felt my shoulder getting wet. I left his grasp, only to find him crying. I tried to lighten the mood.

"Well, I didn't expect you to cry. I mean, what do I make out of this?"

He didn't reply. Instead, he just wiped his tears. I was already having butterflies in my stomach, might as well have a zoo opened there to hold the other animals.

I have to push him into saying it.

"I am sorry, Ben. Sorry to like you. I was never going say this, but I just couldn't hide it anymore. I had to be honest with myself- I couldn't go on fooling others when I already like you. And you deserve the truth, too. I am ready for any kind of answer- even if it is the end of our friendship."

Still, he didn't say anything. Now, this was getting awkward.

"So, what is your answer? Would you like to have some time to think about this?" I looked at him intently.

Say it, Ben! Gather your courage!

"No, I don't need time. My answer is yes."

It has to be a yes!

I pretended to be surprised; since I knew everything and planned all this, I had to. Though I still was surprised with his instant answer.

"Are you really saying yes?"

He kissed me on the cheek and said with eyes full of happiness, "YES!"

He pulled me in hug. I held him as well. This was the best day of my life. He pushed his face in my neck and smelled me. I slapped him lightly on the back.

"It is tickling me. Stop doing that."

He inhaled some more. "I don't care. I longed for this. You, your smell, your voice. The only unexpected thing was your confession."

I laughed in my mind. It has to be.

We held the pose for some time. I felt warm in his hug as I was wearing very less clothing. Now that we were in a relationship, I didn't know how to continue. All my experience was useless for me.

It must be same for this prick, given how he never had a relationship.

I asked him, "I want to ask you something, though. When did it happen? I mean, this was really unexpected for me. Not that I am complaining. But, I just wanted to tell everything to you. I never expected you to reciprocate."

He left the hug, held my hand, and looked at it. He said softly, "It started on the day when I pecked you for fun. I did it to tease you, but everything changed after that. Maybe I always liked you, just realized it after getting physical."

"Woah! Physical is a strong word."

"I was always disturbed by your dating- always. It felt like somebody was stealing you away from my life. I thought the feeling was just jealousy between friends, but I know it was more. I never had to face this because I never met your dates. But given a chance then, I would have ruined your dates for sure!"

I smiled as I listened to him. He was being honest with me, maybe with himself, too.

"After the trigger of kiss, the obsession for you increased. I kept wanting more, not realizing I actually liked you. When I saw how deep your care for me was, it became crystal clear- I wanted you in my life, as a companion. I realized that you formed a huge part of my life, I cannot imagine living without you. I realized that I like both, girls- whom I never dated and boys- whom I couldn't because you were always around!"

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