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As me and the other student file into the classroom, we each make our way to our assigned seats. I was sat next to Chrissy at the beginning of the year. We aren't very close but I noticed her eyes darting around the classroom, eventually meeting mine. She quickly looks away as if she was caught doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"You good?" I question her with furrowed eyebrows. She looked back at me with a warm smile. "Yeah," she shrugs. "Just not feeling it today." "Got it," I say as I reach into my bag for a pencil.

Chrissy always forgets hers, so I keep a spare for her in my bag at all times. She mouthed a 'thank you' as she took the pencil from my hand to which I return a soft smile.

I turn forward in my desk, looking down at my bullshit homework from last night. The homework for this class has never made sense.

My thoughts are quickly interrupted by the teacher starting her lesson.


"PLEASE Y/N SUB FOR HIM! JUST THIS ONCE!" Dustin begged me basically on his hands and knees. I sat on my bed with my arms crossed, looking between Mike and Dustin. The look on either of their faces was eager as ever.

I gave them a fake laugh as I stood up. "Okay, fine. I'll be out in a bit," I shut the door, and as soon as it closed I heard their muffled excitement. I laugh to myself, knowing they've probably been searching for a substitute all day.

I put on a nice but simple outfit and my favorite shoes, knowing I would be meeting new people. Gotta make a good impression. A nice shirt and comfortable pants, top-tier fashion. I curl my eyelashes and put on some mascara then walk out of my room with a small backpack in hand. My weed backpack. Hanging out with nerdy boys for a couple of hours, I'm going to need to relax.

Jangling my keys in the air I call for the boys. "Let's go!" I hear their feet thud against the floor as they follow behind me to my mom's car. Mom doesn't ever use it unless she's going shopping.

Dustin tried to give me directions but I should've just asked for the address. Mike kept yelling at Dustin, telling him he was wrong. This caused us to take seven wrong turns. SEVEN. When we finally pulled into the place I sighed in my seat and slouched down, relieved we made it alive and on time. "We don't have all day," Dustin yelled to me as if it wasn't his fault we were late.

As the three of us enter the room, my eyes were instantly drawn to the boy with curly, shaggy hair. He caught me off guard because I expected the club to be full of kids around Mike and Dustin's age. But he was definitely my age.

I know we are only a few years older than the boys but that isn't the point. His face was so perfect, almost too good to be true. He has these gorgeous, big eyes. And the shape of his face has me weak in the knees. He smiled as he looked between the three of us. We just stood there and I quickie removed my attention from his face in hopes I didn't already embarrass myself.

I give him a tight smile, trying to brush off this weird feeling. Just because he's attractive doesn't mean we'll become anything... right?

"Awww man. C'mon Dustin. Does she even play?" He gestures a hand to me, quickly rising from his seat. I just stand there while he assessed me.

Dustin lets out a huff of air. "Well, Eddie. About that. I just think, maybe she could learn since Erica is busy," he raises both of his hands in defense. This makes Eddie chuckle then look to me.

"Dustin we already talked about this," he said, trying to hide his anger. "You need to find someone who is like us," Eddie gestures between himself and the group of boys. "Get it? I didn't tell you to find a person who has no interest in the game. And Mike," he points to him then throws his hand in the air in frustration. "I thought you were good at observing."

Eddie backs away from Mike and Dustin and stands in front of me. He stares at my face before looking me up and down before his head quickly turns to Mike as he begins to speak.

"Look, no one would agree except her," Mike points his hand to me. This brings Eddie's attention back to me but this time there is a smirk plastered on his face. "So, she's interested?"

Dustin's face twists into a disgusted look as Eddie practically checks me out. "I mean... she's got the looks," Eddie shrugs.

"Oh no no no," Dustin stands between me and Eddie, pushing him from me. "That's my sister."

The group entire group of boys huddle into a circle as I stay put. They were whispering nonsense and would peek their heads up to glance at me every once in a while. I sighed exaggeratedly, bored of doing nothing. They all quickly look up at me and my annoyed face.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" Eddie stepped away from the group and approached me. "No, not at all," I cross my arms and give a sarcastic smile. "I just love sighing all the time, for no reason."

"Calm down doll," Eddie places two hands between us. "Didn't mean to get your panties in a twist," he chuckled, looking back to the boys.

"Listen, do you want this game to happen or not? Because I'm your best, and only, shot at this. And I'm a quick learner." I smirk at the group and re-cross my arms.

Eddie bit the inside of his cheek for a moment, lost in thought. "Alright then, let's get this game going," he shrugged and made his way to his head at the head of the table.


The game was over and everyone left. I reach into the car for my backpack. I pull out a blunt I rolled yesterday along with a lighter.

Dustin walks over and throws his hands up in annoyance. "Oh c'mon, you're gonna take forever." I laugh at his reaction. "You know, one day you'll be doing this too so don't talk shit." "Who says I haven't already?" He crosses his arms and gives me a smug look. I give him an unimpressed look. "Yeah, I know."

Mike runs over and grabs Dustin by the arm. "Wait! You're coming to my house, remember?" Dustin raised his eyebrows remembering his plans. "Oh yeah! We don't need a ride anymore y/n." They both leave so that means I'm left all by myself. Finally.

That is until I'm startled to death by the metalhead. "Hey!" He jumped in front of me. "Christ, Eddie. You scared the fuck out of me!" I whisper yell as it's getting late. "Oh, don't be such a wuss. What are you doing?" He asked excitedly.

I take a hit and look at Eddie, gesturing the blunt to him. "You want some?"

He looked around for a moment and accepted the blunt and lighter. "Of course I do," he said in a rush, clearly excited.

He took a big hit and looked at me. I quickly looked away, realizing I was staring at him the whole time. My heart drops and my cheeks flush.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to stare?" He whispered in my ear as I turned away from him.

I put my hand to his chest, only slightly pushing him away. "Didn't yours ever teach you about personal space?" I scoff at him while he smiles at me.

He shook his head laughing and took another hit. He passed it to me and I took my hits. The final one blew thicker smoke than the previous. I felt hands on my waist and when the thick smoke cleared I was met with Eddie's smirk.

I look him up and down, admiring his features. He smiled and leaned down towards me, looking at my lips. His grip grew tighter on my waist, pulling me towards him.

"My turn, love," he whispered.

My breath hitched and I quickly snapped out of my gaze, putting the blunt to his lips. I lit it for him as he took a hit. He leaned forward, wanting to blow the smoke into my mouth. I moved closer to him as he blew and I inhaled. I held it for a moment and blew it into the air. When my head tilted back down I felt Eddie's lips meet mine. 


Author's Note: I really hope you enjoy the rewrite but remember to read the original also!

dear eddie by: multifan900

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