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I woke up but wasn't ready to be awake. So, I laid there with my eyes closed, hoping to get any amount of extra sleep. But that inevitably failed. I was laying on my back when I opened my eyes and saw a guy in a mask standing over me. My eyes widen and my fight reaction was faster than my flight so I socked the guy in the face and sat up as he collapsed on the bed.

I was about to get up when the masked is pulled off and it's fucking Eddie. His face is all scrunched up and there's a bit of blood dripping from his nose.

"Fuck, you punched me!" Eddie sounded surprised.

"Eddie?" I paused as he sat up. "That's what you fucking get!" I point at him before crossing my arms. "I'm not even sorry."

"Well, I didn't expect you to punch me!" Now he's all defensive.

"What did you expect me to do?! Giggle?!"

He laughed, touching the blood and bringing his hand away from his face to examine the blood. "You've got a good punch," he shrugged.

"Good. I hope you learned a valuable lesson!"

"And what lesson would that be?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't stand over your sleeping girlfriend in a fucking Michael Myers mask!" I laugh, shaking my head at him and his thick skull.

"I thought it would be funny to scare you!" He laughed.

"I hope you got the reaction you wanted."

"Well, I'm gonna clean this," Eddie points to his face as he sniffs. Gross. "While you get ready," he stood from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

I got up and got dressed in some baggy jeans and a t-shirt. I slid on my shoes and walked out of Eddie's room. I saw Eddie in the mirror, through the crack of the door. He was aggressively scrubbing his face with a washcloth. I walk in and stand behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey, sweetheart," he smiled at me through the mirror, putting his free arm over my shoulders.

"Hi, baby," I smile back at him.

He pulls a confused face before looking down at me. "Baby?"

"Yeah?" I give him his same confused look. "Do you not like it?"

"No, no, of course, I like it," he laughed before going back to wiping his nose. I didn't know I hit him that hard. "You know, if you wet it, it's easier."

Eddie snorts. "That's what she said."

I shake my head at him and take the washcloth, running it under the water before grabbing his chin and turning his face to me. I wipe the blood as he stares into my eyes. "There," I smile, patting his chest. I brush my teeth then walk into the living room, plopping onto the couch while I wait for Eddie to get ready.

"Off we go!" He announces, slinging a backpack over his shoulder. I stand from the couch, meeting him by the front door.

"Eddie, you don't have bikes. Where do you expect us to get them from?"

A smile appears on his face. "You know what would be funny? If we stole them from Dustin and Mike and them!"

"You're evil, Munson. But I'm so fucking down!"

Let's go!" He nods his head, taking my hand in his as we walk to the Wheeler house.

As we approach the house, we see the boys hopping off their bikes and running inside. Eddie and I snuck up behind them, choosing our bikes. I took Dustin's and Eddie took Lucas'.

"Come on!" I laugh as Eddie struggles to get onto the bike quickly.

We pedaled away while the boys chased behind us. I look behind me and see Eddie catching up.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now