987 15 11

I open my eyes to see a white ceiling moving above me. I'm being rolled down some sort of hallway. Two women in masks walked quickly on either side of the bed I was laying on. I look down at myself and see that I'm in a hospital gown. What the fuck?

The women brought me into a room. I looked up at them but they had no reaction. Like they couldn't see me moving. I get off the bed and neither of them noticed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I looked at the bed and saw that I was still laying there. I put my hands out in front of me. I can see through them. I look faded. I look back at the nurses as they propped up my legs into stirrups.

"Once it's out, Brenner said to put it into machine nineteen," One of the women said.

The other one nods while putting on gloves. "What do we do with the girl after?"

"He said she needs to remember. She needs to study."

The woman nodded again as she inserted a speculum.

I blink and suddenly Henry is in front of me and we're back in the rainbow room.

"Hello, number fifteen," he smiled. "Welcome back," Henry took a seat across from me.

"Henry?" I look at him confused. "No, but you're... you're dead."

"Oh no, child," he laughs sinisterly. "I've only just begun. I need you to join me."


I open my eyes again and I'm back in my room with Eddie sound asleep next to me. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly.

"Y/n? What happened?" He whispered.

I look up at him. "Eddie, I feel like something is going to happen. Something really bad."

"Did you have another nightmare?" He sat up.

"Yeah, I think so. It felt too real though," I sat up as well, crossing my legs.

"He's gone, Y/n. Your brain is just fucking with you. You're gonna be okay," he smiled, pulling my head down and kissing the top of it.

I lean my head on his shoulder with my arms loosely wrapped around his waist.

"Come on!" I get up excitedly, dragging him with me.

"Ugh, go where?" Eddie groaned as he got off the bed.

"To make breakfast!" I smile. "Come on, Eddie! I'm starving! Look at me I'm withering away to nothing!" I grab his other hand and drag him into the kitchen.


"You're gonna fuck it up!" Eddie laughed.

"Shush, I'm going to try!" I smile, shimmying the pan back and forth.

"Okay go for it," he smiled.

I smiled as I flung the pan up, throwing the pancake into the air and watching it turn over. I catch it back in the pan and jump up into Eddie's arms.

"Holy shit! You did it!" He yelled, catching me.

"I told you I could do it!" I laughed.

Eddie was still in his boxers as we stood in the kitchen. I did literally drag him out of bed though.

"Hey..." Dustin walked in, scratching his head.

"Morning, I didn't know you were here," I say as I put the pancake on the plate with the rest of the misshapen pancakes.

"Is mom here?"

"No, she went out with her boyfriend last night," I grab another plate, putting two pancakes on it. "Hungry?" I offer the plate to him.

"He gets to eat before me?" Eddie crosses his arms as he leans against the counter.

"You're still cooking," I laugh.

"Yes, thanks," Dustin takes the plate from my hand and grabs the syrup from the fridge before making his way to the table.

Eddie turns off the stove and throws the battered bowl into the sink. "Done," he says as he brings the pile of pancakes to the middle of the table. I grab two plates because Eddie would eat with his hands if I didn't. Eddie sits next to Dustin and I hand him his plate, sitting across from them. Eddie still grabs the pancakes with his hands and puts them on his plate.

I grab mine with a fork, like a human. Eddie drowns his pancakes in syrup and doesn't even bother to cut them, he just picks it up with the fork and starts taking bites.

"When did you get another tattoo?" Dustin looks at Eddie's chest.

Eddie looks down at his own chest like he didn't know it was there. "Oh, Y/n gave it to me."

"Why a heart? Kinda weak if you ask me. I mean... bats, a puppet master, a demon, a wyvern, a spider, and a heart? Very manly," he laughs.

"Don't you call your girlfriend "Suzie Poo"?" Eddie asks as he takes another bite of his soggy pancake.

"We're talking about you, not me."

"Whatever, Dusty Bun," Eddie laughs.

"It makes you look like her bitch."

"I am her bitch," he shrugs, looking up at me.

"Makes you look like a desperate loser," Dustin cuts a bite.

"...I am," Eddie smiles at me.

"You guys act like children," I laugh at them, finishing my pancakes because I've been eating instead of talking.

"He is a child," Eddie points his thumb to Dustin.

"Didn't you graduate high school and still don't have a job?"

"Hey!" I yell from the kitchen. "I don't have a job so watch it!"

"Right. You're both broke losers," Dustin nodded his head as he finished his food.

"Listen, toothless, don't get your panties in a twist because I will knock your teeth back out," Eddie stood up with Dustin, bringing their plates to the sink.

When Eddie walked past Dustin, Dustin jumped onto his back. "I'll show you teeth when I bite that ugly ass tattoo off your chest! No offense Y/n!" He yelled back to me.

Eddie ran the both of them to the couch and flipped Dustin onto his back. Dustin pushed Eddie and got behind him, putting him into a chokehold. Eddie pretended to struggle and suffocate then "died" with a dramatic gasp. I laughed as he went limp.

I finished washing the dishes while the boys continued to fuck around. I walked into my room, grabbing a change of clothes before going into the bathroom for a shower. 

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now