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Eddie refuses to sleep. I've tried getting him to take a nap with me but he's too anxious waiting for his uncle to get back. Eddie told his uncle what happened. I told Eddie every detail but told him to just tell his uncle the necessities.

Eddie and I have been laying in his bed and he hasn't let go of me once. Even when I had to pee, he wanted to hold my hand. He says it's to make sure I'm safe. He feels guilty. I hate that he feels guilty. I've told him it isn't his fault and I've been trying not to think about it so I took a nap, hoping I could dream of something better. I didn't.

I opened my eyes, looking up at Eddie who was still holding me close. He watched me wake up, smiling down at me.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he kissed the top of my head.

"How long was I asleep?" I yawn.

"Only an hour."

"Did you nap like I said?" I furrowed my eyebrows t him, knowing he didn't.

"Pfffft, yeah. No, yeah of course!" He smiled.

"Really?" I give him an 'I know your lying' look.

"No," he sighed. "But I don't need to! I was sleeping earlier."

"I know, I just want you to relax," I laid my head back on his chest.

"I am, I have you with me," Eddie wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight.

I sit up quickly. "Let's make a fort!" I stand from the bed.

"A fort?" He laughed, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Yes! I love forts! Come on," I smile before walking to his closet.

"So childish," Eddie shakes his head, reaching over me to get the blankets from the top of his closet.

"I make the best forts," I elbow him in the ribs. "You won't be complaining when you're all comfy in my palace."


"Put the fucking blanket over the chair!" I laugh, frustrated because Eddie can't understand simple instructions.

"It's not fucking staying!" He yelled back at me, taking a step back and gesturing to the falling blanket.

I walked over, grabbing his heavy-ass leather jacket and putting it over the blanket, keeping it in place. "There," I smile, dusting off my clean hands.

"It's done? It looks like shit," Eddie laughed.

I playfully smack him in the chest with the back of my hand. "No, it needs pillows!" I smile, grabbing the two pillows Eddie had on his bed. I crawl inside putting the pillows next to each other. It's like the size of a queen bed in here. I laid on my back as Eddie crawled in and over me.

"Why hello there," he smiled.

"Hello there, Edster," I laughed as he rolled his eyes. I look up at him, dead in the eyes. "Edster!" I laugh more.

"Ha ha," he faked laughing while I continued to belly laugh. "You're hilarious."

"I know!" I smile, bringing my face up to kiss him.

Eddie laughed as he shook his head, his hair hitting my face along the way. "I'm the funniest person alive, what can I say?" I shrug.

"Yeah, so funny I can't even laugh!" He raised his eyebrows at me as he smiled. He thinks I'm funny, just won't admit it.

I gasp, having the best idea ever pop into my head. "Let's play hide and seek!"

"Not it," Eddie brought his finger to his nose.

"Oh fuck you," I push his face, making him roll onto his back next to me. "You cheater, I wasn't ready!"

"No rematches," he shrugged.

"Yes rematches," I nod my head.

Eddie rolled his eyes, sitting up on his elbows. "Fine."

"Rock, paper, scissors?" I hold my fist over my flattened hand.

"You're on," he sits up, crossing his legs.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We both lay out our hands. Both scissors.

"Ugh," I groan. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We lay out our hands again. I won with paper, Eddie lost with rock.

"Loser," I said, crawling out of the tent with Eddie close behind. Once we got out, I stood with my hands on my hips, looking at Eddie.

"You're gonna lose because I'm gonna find you," he smirked.

"No, you won't," I run out of the room. "Bitch!" I quickly peek my head back in. "You count in there! Count to sixty!" I yell to him, closing his door.

I heard him counting loudly as I scanned the trailer for somewhere to hide. I walked into the living room and seeing his couch. It's a pull-out couch! I lifted the cushions, seeing that the bed wasn't in it, just more cushions.

"Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five," I heard Eddie count. I took the cushions out of the couch, putting them into the coat closet. I lay in the couch, pulling the original cushions over me. I stayed as still as possible, having my head turned to the side and listening to Eddie finish counting.

"Fifty-nine!" He drug out the number for way longer than needed. "Sixty! Ready or not, here I come!" He shouted. I heard him walking around the living room, getting nervous when his footsteps would get closer.

He walked out of the living room and I heard him opening cabinets in the kitchen, then the shower curtain until he ended up back in the living room. "Okay! I give up!" He yelled. I smiled, proud of my hiding spot. I pushed the cushions off of me and see Eddie turn around looking startled. "Holy shit!" He laughed, making me laugh. "I would've never thought of that," he smiled as I grabbed the extra cushions from the closet and put the couch back together.

"I'm just too good," I smile, smoothing out the couch.

Eddie gave me a cheesy smile and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when the front door opened.

"What happened?" Eddie walked up to his uncle eagerly.

"Well, I found him, brought him up to the police. It's weird, when I got there with him, the cops just took him, like they'd been looking for him. I found out he's had a warrant out for a while now. Apparently, this wasn't that fuckers first time. He's done it many other times to many other girls, admitted to it all. He's going away for a long time," Wayne laughed as he rustled my hair.

"Thank you," I laughed.

"Of course. I refuse to let a pervert shit stay on the streets like that. I gotta head out though. Lock the doors, stay safe, love you," he pointed to Eddie.

"Bye, love ya," Eddie waved off his uncle.

When Wayne left, Eddie's attention was of course, back on me and so was his smile. "Let's go back to my room."

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now