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I pulled away from the kiss, hearing a knock at the door. Eddie and I both tensed up since we thought no one was home.

"Uh... Who is it?"

Eddie held in his laugh.

"It's me, baby!" My mom called from the other side of the door. "Just wanted to let you know I'm home and wanted to see who was here. Actually, I need to grab something," she opened the door.

We have a glass shower... no shower curtain. But, my mom is also very oblivious.

"Get behind me," I whisper very quietly to Eddie, shoving him behind me.

My mom couched to look under the sink while keeping a hand to the side of her face, blocking her view of me so she doesn't see any of my, or not to her knowledge, Eddie. "Ugh, it's not in here either. Do you have shaving cream? It's a friend emergency, she needs it!" She chuckled.

"Uhh.." I look around in a panic. Eddie hands me the shaving cream with a smile on his face. I mouth a "thank you".

She's now faced the shower with her hand over both of her eyes and her hand out. I slide the door open and put it in her hand.

"Perfect!" She turns around. "Thank you, dear! I have to leave again, please don't have any guests over!"

"Yep! Got it, Mom!"

"Bye!" She closes the door behind her.

I turn around to Eddie and he has the fattest grin on his face.

"Shut up," I playfully slap his chest.

"Remember, no guests, Mrs. Munson," Eddie points a finger at me.

"Too late," I shrug with a laugh and Eddie turns off the water. I step out of the shower and begin drying off. I squeeze the water out of my hair and look over to Eddie who is still standing in the shower. "What?"

"I... haha. I forgot a towel."

"Good luck," I smile at him as I wrap the towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and back to my bedroom, sitting on the edge of my bed.

Eddie walked through the door five minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist. "I found one, no thanks to you," he scrunched his face at me.

"Good to know your eyes work, Munson."

He stood in front of me and pushed my chest until my back was on the bed. Eddie crawled on top of me, losing the towel along the way. He put his hand to the side of my face then leaned down to continue our makeout from earlier. Eddie unwrapped my towel, leaving me fully exposed. He crawled down my body, stopping between my legs.

I watched as he licked me up and down, moaning at the feeling of his mouth. He started flicking his tongue on my clit, making my eyes flutter shut. Eddie brought his hand away from my thigh before quickly bringing it back, the slap echoing through the room.

He chuckled slightly as I gasped, looking up at me with a smile. Eddie moved his tongue lower then slid into me. He moved it in and out, emitting noises I don't think I've ever made before. He brought his thumb to my clit and started rubbing painfully slow circles.

The room filled with my breathless moans. I reached down to his head, entangling my hand in his hair. My eyes squeezed shut while one hand gripped the sheets. Eddie moved his mouth back up to my clit and used his other hand to finger me. "I'm close," I say.

Eddie then pushed onto my lower stomach, causing me to come undone with a final moan. I looked down at him as he slipped his fingers out of me and licked them clean. He smiled at me before giving me a quick kiss.

He got up and walked to my dresser, pulling out a pair of underwear, shorts, and an oversized shirt. Eddie also pulled a pair of his boxers from his bag. He put on his boxers and then walked over to me, sliding on my shorts and underwear. Eddie pulled my arms, making me sit up.

"Up," he said. So I lifted my arms and he pulled the shirt over my body.

"Do you want anything from me?" I asked.

"No, it's okay," he smiled. "I just want to lay here with you."

He laid on my bead, pulling me to him. I laid my head on his chest and put my leg over his.

"You're so pretty," I tell him as I trace random shapes into his chest.

"You're prettier," I felt his laugh vibrate through his body.

I sat my head up so I could look at him. Just to admire. He looked at me right in my eyes which always gives me butterflies but, I'd never tell him. "I love you, so much. You know that?"

"I love you more," I smile at him.

"I honestly, don't think that's possible."

"I'm glad you're the person I wake up to," I smile at him, remembering the time I thought he was gone forever. But knowing he's here and he's mine makes my heart full.

That feeling of emptiness almost killed me. I watched him die and I'm so lucky to have him back. A tear slipped down my face as I looked into Eddie's puppy dog eyes.

He brought his hand up and wiped away my tear.

"Sorry," I laughed.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay to cry. I'll be here for you. Always," he gave me the sweetest smile. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I mean... yeah," I laughed again but it was out of nervousness. I take a deep breath. "Sometimes, for like... no reason at all, I'll remember you dying. Watching you die. Then all the feelings come back and it's overwhelming, you know? I mean, I thought I had lost you forever. I thought you were gone, Eddie. And... and you cried out my name-" I stuttered as tears started pouring from my eyes. I look up at Eddie and see that he's crying too.

"I'm so sorry," he wrapped his arms around me, holding me as tight as he can.

"It's not your fault."

"Thank you for staying with me," he says. "You've helped me through a lot of shit, Y/n. Always stayed by my side even when I was painted the monster. I'll love you forever. And I adore you for staying with me. You've always seen the good in me, in anyone. And you love me through the good and bad, never changing me. You didn't let me destroy myself. I love you so much and I don't think I could ever stop," he smiled, wiping his own tears away.

"Shit, Munson," I laugh, wiping more tears away. "I love you."

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