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Dustin got picked up and updated Robin and Steve on the whole situation. Eddie and I were still seated in the same position as when he left but our snacks were almost gone.

"Looks like you're stuck with me for..." Eddie checks his invisible watch. "Well, until I'm not a wanted man," he shrugs with a smile, reaching back into the cereal box and pulling out crumbs.

"I'm surprised Chrissy asked you for drugs. Doesn't seem like... her," Eddie shrugs at my wonder when a realization pops into my head. "Oh shit!" I said, straightening my posture.

Eddie also sits up but I think he's incapable of good posture. "Well? Spit it out," he said with a curious smile.

"What if she was getting the drugs for her boyfriend?" I suggested.

Eddie shakes his head. "I don't think he does drugs, he seems like too much of a pussy," he crosses his arms and leans back against the wall.

I laugh at his comment, also slouching back against the wall. "Well, then I don't know," I said, shrugging.

"Chrissy was annoying but, she didn't deserve to die. I don't know why it happened," he stated, staring off into nothing.

"She was a good person, Eddie. She just put on a fake personality for people she wasn't close with. I mean, me and her weren't exactly close but I'd like to believe she showed her truest self to me," I said, looking at Eddie.

I felt his hands start to play with the frays in the rips of my jeans, Robin had brought me real clothes earlier.

"I didn't know her well but we've known each other since we were young," he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

Eddie shakes his head as if trying to remove the thought. "Enough about Chrissy. I don't want to think about her. I don't even think I've fully processed it," he looked lost in thought while he twisted the loose strings.

I pulled my knees to my chest and sat next to Eddie, leaning my head on his shoulder. I held his hands in mine and rubbed my thumbs over his rings.

"It's gonna be okay, Eddie. We will figure everything out but you need to know that none of this is your fault. Do not blame yourself. Whatever happened to Chrissy will probably happen again and nothing is in our control until we figure out how to stop this shit."

He laid his head on mine.

"Hopefully we figure this out soon. I don't know how many other people are going to have to die but I'd like to keep it at a minimum," he said.

I felt his head lift off of mine and I pulled mine off his shoulder, confused. I look at him to see him already staring at me.

"You know, you're an amazing fucking person," he smiled at me.

I laugh a bit. "What makes you say that?" I ask, still holding onto his hands.

"You always know just what to say to make me go crazy," he said as he started leaning toward me. My breath hitched and I pulled my head back, putting my hand on his chest.

"We just ate," I laugh.

He kept his eyes locked on mine as he pulled something out of his back pocket. Gum.

"I'm always prepared for you," he said with a smirk.

"Well, well Mr. Munson. If you insist," I said, taking a piece of gum.

Eddie smiled as he put his own piece in his mouth.

"Will you kiss me now, sweetheart?" He asked, cupping his hand to my cheek.

"No, I just grabbed the gum for funsies," I state sarcastically.

"Don't be a smartass," he said, using his other hand to pull me into his lap.

My face flushed a light pink as I was caught off guard by his sudden movement. He placed both of his hands on my waist, rubbing circles with his thumbs. He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. We were in perfect unison as Eddie deepened the kiss. My hands ran their way up his chest then behind his neck until they were tangled in his hair.

I moved my hips forward and pressed down but instantly stopped when he moaned into the kiss and pulled away.

"Don't tease me like that, beautiful," he said with his eyes closed and head turned.

"Did you not like it?" I asked worriedly.

"I never said that," he turned back to me and smirked.

"Then enjoy it while it lasts, Munson," I smiled at him.

"I promise you, I am," He said, pushing my hips back down onto him. He held back another moan as he leaned back into the kiss. Our lips connected again but this time, full of lust.

"Y/n, Eddie I-" Robin opened the door to the room we were in.

We pulled away and quickly separated. Robin looked at us in shock, her jaw practically hitting the ground. Her gaping mouth was quickly replaced with a laugh.

"Were you two about to fu-" before she could get the last word out, I ran over and covered her mouth.

"Let's talk out here, yeah?" I say with my hand still over her mouth, leading her to the next room. "We'll be back," I say, pointing to Eddie.

"Oh my god!" Robin whispered. "Robin!" I say, frustrated.

"You guys were really getting into it back there! I must say, Y/n. I wasn't expecting all that but oh my god! You guys just... wow," she rambled.

"Robin!" I said again but this time, smiling at her reaction.

She stopped rambling and gave me a huge smile. "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy for you! I mean after the last guy, jeez. This is exciting!"

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me and Eddie.

"We aren't really anything yet. I mean, we only met a few days ago. And we aren't going to fuck. I can't do that yet, I'm not ready," I said with a smile and a shy tone.

"So," Robin stated.

"So? What's up?" I ask.

"I just came to bring your food delivery!" She said, holding up a brown, paper bag.

I smiled and clapped. "Thank god!"

"Here's your bag. I have to get to Steve's, he's obsessing over Nancy, as per usual," Robin rolls her eyes.

"Please help that man get over her or I don't think he ever will," I laugh.

"Oh my god, tell me about it!" She laughs. "See you later Y/n, have fun with your boy toy in there," she yells the last part for Eddie to hear.

I roll my eyes and laugh at her, giving her a playful shove.

"Yeah, come play with your toy!" I hear Eddie yell from the other room.

"Nosey bitch!" I yell back to him.

"You love it!" He returns. 


Author's Note: 200 reads already?? Thanks baes <3 Also, I strongly urge you to comment and vote so I can know what you guys like or dislike, and what I can improve on! Stay safe! 

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