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I'm stuck sitting in the hospital, unable to move or do anything. The only thing I can do right now is wait for Eddie and my mom to get back with their "surprise". I'm so incredibly bored right now. I've flipped through all the channels on the tv and there's nothing good.

The beeping from the heart monitor is really annoying. If I rip it off, I wonder if the nurses get informed that I'm dead. I sighed, leaning my head back and looking at the ceiling. I look back down at my hands, making fists and then releasing them.

If I repeat a word long enough, it starts not sounding like a real word anymore. "Nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts," I whispered to myself.

The door opened so I quickly propped up on my elbows.

"Got an obsession with nuts?" Robin laughed.

I smiled as she closed the door. "Thank god! I've been bored out of my mind!" I say as she hugged me.

"I'd imagine," she chuckled. I look down onto the bed and notice she had set a small paper bag down. "Oh! Right!" She says, taking the bag and handing it to me, "A little joy for your sad life."

"Yeah... speaking of my sad life..." I started, taking the bag from her and setting it on the other side of me.

"Oh god. Don't tell me he broke up with you. You know, what a piece of shit! You can't even walk right now and he just leaves you like that-"

"Robin! No!" I interrupted, laughing at her rambling.

"Good. I would've broken his guitar past fixability," Robin scrunched her nose with a smile.

"So, I found out something and I need to tell someone about it before I explode because, honestly, I'm so confused and shocked and I have zero clue what to do about it."

Robin looked at me concerned and pulled up a chair so she could sit next to me. "Okay, hit me."

"You know Vecna? Well, his real name is Henry and apparently... he's my dad," I shake my hands in fake celebration.

Her eyebrows raised slightly as she paused with a shocked look on her face. "He's your... dad? Oh. Oh! Wait!" She stood quickly, causing the chair to fall behind her. "Oh my fucking god!" Robin put both of her hands on her head. "He's your da-!"

I covered her mouth quickly as she looked at me with wide eyes.

I shushed her. "You're the only person I've told."

Robin picked the chair back up and sat back down. "What the fuck. How is he? You know what, no. Actually, yeah. How the fuck is he your dad?"

"Long story short, my biological mom is Brenner's daughter."

"Who?" She looked at me confused.

"Right, I forgot you don't know. So, you know my powers-"

"You have powers?!" She stood, knocking the chair over again. "How the fuck? And you didn't tell me?"

"Shit," I sighed. "Little update."

"Big update," Robin corrected me as she picked up the chair again and sat down.

"I grew up in the same lab as El. So both of us have powers," I give her a nervous smile. "I know you know about El, but I had forgotten about everything because of the man who runs the lab, Brenner."

"Okay, continue."

"He injected me with something that made me forget my entire childhood. Like a brain reset. I've lived with my mom ever since."

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now