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I held Eddie tight against my chest as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you a lot," I could feel the vibrations of his voice against me.

"I bet you have," I try and hold back a smile, not that he would see anyway.

"So cocky," he laughs.

"You're the cocky one, and we gotta get up, c'mon," I pushed against him. He kept his arms around me the whole way up. So now we're standing, naked, in Nancy's room with Eddie's arms tight around me. "Clothes, Eddie," I laugh.

"You're no fun," He let's go, letting the both of us get dressed. I look around, laughing a bit as I drunkenly realize we fucked in Nancy's room. On her bed. Where she sleeps. I walk to the bed, taking off the top blanket that we were just on. I turn around with my arms full of blanket and see Eddie with a confused look on his face.

"What? I'm not gonna let her sleep with this blanket, knowing what the fuck I just did on it," I whisper, hoping no one can hear. They probably can't over the music.

Eddie laughed as he unlocked the door. Everyone was downstairs because... Nancy didn't want anyone upstairs. I walk down, Eddie following close behind as I made my way through groups of people to the basement door. Just before I reach it, I see Nancy. She was smiling and talking with someone until she glanced at me and Eddie with her blanket. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked away from whoever she was talking to.

"What did you do?" She gave us an 'I know what you did' smile.

"Just... You're gonna want this washed," I laughed.

She scrunched up her nose with a smile. "I knew it! You two," she looked around before whispering in my ear. "You guys did it on my bed!" Nancy pulled back, still smiling. She's not sober enough to realize that she's happy that people just fucked on her bed.

"We're gonna talk about this when there isn't a party," I nod my head at her before opening the basement door and walking down, Eddie still behind me. I dump the blanket in the washing machine, adding soap, and starting it. I glance over my shoulder, seeing Eddie watching me. "Why are you following me, Munson?"

"Am I not supposed to?" He questioned, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "It's not like we're together or anything," I smile.

He looked down at the ground. "Well, yeah, but upstairs,"

"I was drunk and horny, Eddie. I wanted to punish you somehow, that was the best I could come up with," I lean back against the running washer. I know I shouldn't be saying this but the words kept falling out of my mouth. I'm still very drunk.

I push off the washer, walking back up the stairs. "Bye, Munson."

I search the party for Robin but couldn't find her so I found Nancy again.

"Y/n! Get over here right now!" She laughed as she hung off of Steve's back, holding onto his shoulders.

I smiled as I walked over. "Harrington, Wheeler," I greeted them.

Steve returned my smile, quickly glancing over my shoulder. His smile quickly faded. "Hey, is that uhm... Is that Eddie?" Steve slurred a bit.

I look over my shoulder and I shit you not, there he was, making out with some random ass girl. He's asking me to beat his ass. After what we did, he's gonna make out with a rando? FUcking bitch. I sigh, rolling my eyes before looking back to Nancy.

"Fuck, I need to go home," I scan the group of people I'm with. "And all of you are too drunk," They all laugh, I fake one.

"Y/n!" Robin wraps her arms around mine and Steve's shoulders. "Hey, guys!" She smiled.

"Someone's happy," I give her a smirk.

"Shh, I'll tell you when you're sober," she laughed, putting a hand over my mouth. "Come on, time to go," Robin takes my hand, pulling me into the crowd and to the front door. I look ahead and see Eddie's tongue still down that girl's throat. She looks fucking stupid. Bitch.

Eddie pulled away from their kiss. She looked upset and he looked confused. Weird.

Eddie's POV:

I pull away from the kiss, opening my eyes. What the fuck. Who is this? Why am I kissing her? Shit. I shouldn't have let Y/n leave me. I don't even know what the fuck is happening right now.

"What?" The blonde gives me a nervous giggle.

"Who are you?" I ask, not even trying to sound nice because fuck her.

She scoffed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She looks at me dumbfounded.

I look at her blankly before scrunching my nose quickly. "Your breath stinks," I laughed a little.

"Excuse me?!" She stands, slapping me across the face which also made me laugh.

She scoffed again before walking away. Meanwhile, I continued to laugh at myself. I think I'm funny.

The image of Y/n laying on the bed with her hand between her legs flashed into my mind. Damn. She looked so hot like that. She looks so hot all the time. Fuck, I miss her.

My eyes widen as I look down, seeing a growing erection. Fuck me. I quickly walk out the door and down the sidewalk. It's dark as shit out here. I look to my right, hearing talking. About thirty feet away, Robin and Y/n were standing at Robin's car.

They laughed as Y/n opened the passenger door. My legs never stopped moving though. When I made it to the car, Y/n looked over at me. Her smile rapidly faded.

Y/n POV:

Eddie stumbled a bit as he stood outside the open passenger door. He looked at me, pleading with his puppy dog eyes. Robin started the car as I started to close my door.

"We gotta take him home before he gets himself hurt," Robin whispered to me.

"Get in the back," I say, finally closing my door.

A smile grew on his face as he happily opened the back door, hopping in.

"Eddie, I'm dropping you off first," Robin said, looking at him through the rearview mirror.

Eddie groaned in response.


Robin pulled in front of Eddie's trailer, parking the car.

"Bye, Eddie!" She smiled, looking at me. A smirk appeared on her face. Great. "Bye, Y/n."

I looked at her confused. "What?"

"Someone's gotta keep him out of trouble," she nodded her head towards him as he stumbled to his front door.

"Bye," I groaned, getting out of the car and catching up to Eddie.

I help him up the three steps in front of the door and take him to his room. There's no one else here, as far as I can tell. That had me relieved. I did not what to be in here, drunk, with a guy who shoots heroin. We got into his room, Eddie immediately falling onto his bed, getting a chuckle out of me. We didn't say anything as I dug through his drawers, finding him and myself something to sleep in. 

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