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Eddie finished his drawing quickly while I was still working on finishing his hair.

He sighed dramatically, flopping his whole body onto the bed. "Y/n!" He groaned.

"Hey, Mr. 'I'm a patient guy' you can calm your tits for ten more seconds," I say, trying to concentrate.

"I am a patient guy but you're taking too long," he laughed.

I roll my eyes and smile. "And... Done!" I say excitedly.

"Finally, you took like five-ever," he smiled.

"Five-ever?" I raised an eyebrow at him, laughing.

"Yeah, it's longer than forever," he shrugged.

"Do not make fun of my drawing, Munson," I point a finger at him while holding the notebook in the other hand.

We both laid our drawings down between us.

"Mine is better," Eddie raises his hands in defense.

"That is not true! You drew a stick figure with hair and a blunt!" I say, pointing at the drawing.

"Yeah, but mine is prettier," he crosses his arms and shrugs.

"No! I drew each individual hair on that big head of yours! Look, your hair looks amazing!" I hold the drawing up, right in his face.

"Okay, yours is better artistically, but mine represents the most beautiful person ever," he gives me a smile.

"So, I win?" I give him the toothiest smile.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, but only because you have better art skills than me," he laughed. "It's actually pretty good."

"Well, it's clear that neither of us have any true artistic ability. But come on! A stick figure?" I laugh.

Eddie snatched the notebook from in front of me, hiding it behind his back. "Listen," he points a finger in my face. "I didn't know what else to do," he laughs.

"So, you drew a stick figure with hair and a blunt. That could be you!" I smile at him.

"Ah, but it isn't. It's you. Is it inaccurate?"

"No, but,"

He shakes his head. "Case closed, I win," he smiled, standing on the bed.

I sighed and chuckled, laying back down. I let out a slow breath, squeezing my eyes closed as I slid down onto my back. My arm burned but it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday.

"You good, Y/n?" Eddie asked, sitting himself next to me.

"Yeah, it just hurts," I give him a tight smile.

"It'll get better soon, I promise," he gave me a genuine, heartfelt smile.

I relax my body as Eddie gets under the blanket then throwing the other half of the blanket over me.

"Can I lay on you? Or do you think it would hurt your shoulder?" he asked with concern.

"As long as you're not directly on my shoulder, I think you'll be fine," I give him a sweet smile.

'Oh thank god!" he said as he rolled from his side of the bed to on top of me, laying his head between my tits and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I laugh at his head placement and ran my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me, resting his chin on my chest.

"I love you," he smiled.

"I love you," I smile back.

"Do you care if I take a nap? I'm tired," he asked, moving his hand along my back.

"No, go ahead. I'll probably join you," I say, twirling his hair between my fingers.

"Okay, goodnight doll," he mumbled, already falling asleep.

"Goodnight," I lean forward slightly to kiss him on the top of his head.


I open my eyes and groan at the very bright, fluorescent lights, which doesn't help the headache I've woken up with. I'm in some sort of white room with no windows. What kind of prison am I in? I got off the bed and stretched my arms above my head. My shoulder doesn't hurt. I look down at myself just to notice I'm in a hospital gown again. Fuck.

I pull the shoulder down on the gown, noticing my wound is gone and I've only been left with a scar. I put the gown back in place and walk over to the door, opening it quickly. The hallway. It's the same hallway as the one in my dream. Okay, cool. I'm dreaming again? I walk down the hall and into the double doors, just as before. I walk in and see the tall blonde man again.

"Number fifteen. Back so soon?" I could see his smile in the reflection of the mirror before he turns to me.

"Who the fuck are you?" I cocked my head, questioning him.

"I'm Peter Ballard," he smiled warmly.

"What are you doing in my dream? Why am I here?" I can feel tears start to form in my eyes.

"You're starting to remember!" He said, excitedly.

I look behind him, in the mirror only to notice that I'm not a child like before. I'm just me.

"I know this is confusing for you. Just know, it'll make sense in time," he places a hand on my shoulder but I pull myself out of his grasp.

"This can't be a memory," I say, shaking my head.

"No, think of it more as a meeting."

"Why is my wound healed?" I furrow my eyebrows, trying my hardest not to let my tears fall.

"You can't be in a meeting with an open wound. It'd be distracting," he gave me a sincere smile. Creepy.

"Are you a memory?" Like, for my dream?"

"Yes, but no. Right now, I entered your dream, to talk. But any other time, when you are in your child appearance, I am nothing but a memory," he started walking closer to me, causing me to walk backward.

'Why now?" I shake my head.

"You are needed, number fifteen. But, you can't remember everything by just standing here, talking to me. You need a little push, by people who do not like me. Bad people. But you need them. They won't hurt you but they will find you. Soon," he put his hands behind his back.

I'm so confused. This is a lot. This is confusing. Is my brain messing with itself? I close my eyes and sit down on the floor.


My eyes open and I gasp slightly. I look around, finding myself back in the bed in the abandoned house. Eddie still laying on my chest.

I took a deep breath, sinking deeper into the sheets, focusing on Eddie's warmth wrapped around me. I wrapped one arm around him, trying to hug him without waking him up. The dream won't leave my mind.

"I love you. I love you. I love you," I whispered, kissing Eddie's head as I played with his hair.

My thoughts clouded my mind, making it hard to sleep. I wish I could just pause my thought process and come back to it later.

After a few minutes of playing with Eddie's hair, my eyes started to get heavy as I drifted off back to sleep.


Author's note: Thank you for 10k reads wtf. I hope you're enjoying the story and continue to enjoy it!

Alexa, play Up&Down by the Vengaboys.

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