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I grab a pair of boxers and shorts for him, setting them next to him on the bed.

"Do you care if I get dressed?" he mumbled.

"No, of course not," I say, pulling out his hellfire shirt and a pair of boxers for me to sleep in.

Eddie stands with a smile, pulling his shirt over his head. He took his pants and boxers off at the same time, throwing them onto the floor. I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of his dick but quickly look away.

"See something you like?" He laughed.

My face flushed red. Fuck, he saw that. Bitch.

"Shut up," I said, clearly embarrassed and not helping myself at all. He knows I'm embarrassed. He definitely knows.

"Don't act like it's your first time seeing it," he smiled at me.

I look back, thinking he's dressed. He was in fact, not dressed. I sat on his bed, opening my mouth to say something but stopping myself. Eddie moved his hand to the back of my head, grabbing my hair and pulling my head back so I was forced to look at him.

"Look at me, Y/n," he said in a lower tone.

"Does she kiss better than me?" I ask in spite, not really wanting an answer.

"Who?" His eyebrows pull together.

"The girl from the party, the blonde," I smirk up, his hand still in my hair.

He shook his head. "I was too drunk. I have no clue who she is or what she looked like, really," he laughed.

"Well, that doesn't answer my question. Does it?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"No. Your lips are my favorite. She didn't know what to do. How to please me," he chuckled.

"Then maybe you could get something," I trace my finger up his growing erection. "But only when I say so." He moaned at my touch.

"Lay down," I say, standing and moving out of his way.

He laid where I was previously sitting, his dick standing like it has a mind of its own. I slid off my shorts, along with my underwear before crawling on top of him. He moved his hands just under my shirt but I stopped him.

"Where are those infamous cuffs of yours, Munson?" I smirk.

"There," he nodded his head to the wall behind me.

I glance over my shoulder before getting off of him and grabbing the handcuffs.

"Now, here's what's gonna happen," I crawl back on top of him, opening the cuffs. "I'm gonna put your hands in these, above your head, and I don't want those hands to move. If they do, you don't finish," I say, closing the cuffs on his wrists between the rods of the headboard. "Got it?"

He nodded eagerly.

"Good," I said, wrapping my hand around his dick and sliding it across my entrance. My action made him moan. I slightly gasped as I slowly slid down onto him, my eyebrows furrowing. I looked down at Eddie, he looked eager to put his hands on me. His eyes rolled back as I started moving my hips back and forth, gripping either side of his torso.

I moved in small circles, causing Eddie to groan as I moved too slowly for his liking. I watched as he tilted his head back, his fingers moving a bit fighting the urge not to break the cuffs and grab my hips. I smiled to myself as I moved myself up then quickly sitting back down, making Eddie's eyes squeeze shut.

"Open your eyes, Munson. I want you to look at me," I dug my nails into his skin as I continued moving my hips up and down. He opened his eyes, looking at me with a smile.

"Please, Y/n," He whined.

"What is it, baby?" I leaned forward, grabbing his chin. "What do you want?" I whisper onto his lips.

"Fuck, please Y/n. Faster. I need you. I want you," he whispered back.

I smiled before pulling back. I sit up and continue bouncing up and down, gradually increasing my pace.

Eddie's arms pulled against the bedpost. It's amusing watching him struggle to keep what he wants at bay. His moans become more and more breathless as beads of sweat start to appear on his forehead.

I moved my hands up his torso to his face, pulling myself towards him as I kiss him. He moaned into the kiss, sending the vibrations down my throat. I pull away, feeling myself about to come undone.

"I'm gonna cum," he said breathlessly.

"Hold it," I smiled against his lips, gripping onto his shoulders as I pounded myself onto him harder and faster.

"Okay," I said, allowing Eddie to cum as I did. The hot feeling flowed through my body, putting me into a high.

As soon as I finished, I slammed down onto him one final time before pulling him out of me as he came. Perfect timing.

"Oh fuck," he said between breaths.

I took the cuffs off of him, giving him a quick kiss as I pass his face.

"You did great," I smiled, hanging the handcuffs back onto the wall.

"Mhm, yeah. You, uhm. You too," he said as he tried to catch his breath.

I smile at him as I put on a pair of his boxers and Hellfire shirt that I laid out earlier.

I walk to the bathroom briefly, grabbing a towel from the cabinet and walking back to Eddie. "Let me clean you up," I laughed a bit, wiping the cum from his lower stomach.


Author's Note: I never know what words to use when writing smut so if any of this makes you uncomfy... give me better words to use please. :)

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