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Eddie quickly stands, walking over to Robin's box of cassettes. I look up at her ceiling fan, watching one specific blade spin around and around.

"Aha!" Eddie exclaims, holding up a cassette and putting it into her boombox.

My Girl by The Temptations plays. Eddie walks, well, dances his way over to me with a huge grin smeared across his face.

He stands in front of me, holding out his hand. "Care to dance?"

I smile, taking his hand and letting him pull me up. Eddie wraps one arm around my waist while the other continues to hold my hand, and I place my other hand on his shoulder. We sway to the music, giggling at our horrible dancing.

Eddie pulls away and holds up my arm to spin me around then leans to the side, dipping me. While we are leaned over, he kisses me for a moment. He pulls me back to how we were originally standing.

"What can make me feel this way?" Eddie sings, bringing his forehead to mine. "My girl," he yells, picking me up by the waist and spinning us around, making us both laugh.

When he puts me back down, I lean my head back from his shoulder. "Oh my god, Eddie!" I laugh, looking at his bloodshot eyes.

"Have you seen yourself?" I start laughing uncontrollably. "You're so fucking high!"

"Y/n, have you seen yourself?" He laughs, putting both hands on either side of my face, making my cheeks squish together.

"Yeah, about," I look at my invisible watch. "An hour and a half ago," I laugh.

"You need an update," he chuckled, pulling me by my hand back to the bathroom.

Eddie moved me by my shoulders, putting me in front of the mirror. We both immediately start laughing.

"Oh, shit!" I yell in amazement with a huge smile on my face. "Woah," I lean in close to the mirror, looking at my face.

"I didn't know we were this bad!" Eddie laughed as his eyes widened.

"Eddie, we just danced around in Robin's room to music you don't even like," I gesture back to Robin's room.

He scoffs. "What do you mean music I don't even like? I love the temptations!" He said, jokingly.

"Do you even know what you're saying?" I giggle, walking out of the bathroom. Eddie followed as I tried my best to stay upright, walking back to Robin's room. When I stumbled into her room, I dropped myself onto the floor, spreading out like a starfish.

"It's not funny!" He laughs.

"Then why are you laughing?" I laugh as Eddie sloppily stood between my legs before getting on his knees. His hands went to either side of me so his face was directly above mine.

"Should you even be high right now?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "I mean, you could be with child," he smiles.

"Could be. But it's not a child yet," I roll my eyes playfully. "I mean, it should be fine anyway. We don't even know if there's anything in there yet," I shrugged it off.

"You have a pretty nose," he said, resting his body on mine.

"You have a pretty nose," I smile, feeling his hands move up my sides until they reach my arms.

"How do babies even grow in a stomach?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I think they're like little aliens. They grow inside of people like the movie Alien. You know, where they burst out of the person's chest," I say, deep in my own thought.

"Oh no! But your chest is my favorite part of you!" Eddie whined with a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes at him, continuing with my deep thought process. "They would like, grow inside the parent. Host? Would they call it a parent or a host? Like a parasite? Oh my god, babies are like parasites!" I yell out. "What if aliens don't reproduce through sex?" I ask, sucking my teeth. "Man, they're missing out!"

Eddie started chuckling at all my theories. "You can you even think right now?"

"Do you not think before you speak?" I ask.

"I don't remember," he smiled, making me laugh.

"I always hear something when I'm like this. Like there's a little dude in my head, telling me to say things. It's just a mumbly mess in there. There are like seventy million thoughts running around right now," I say, staring off into nothingness.

"Eddie, what if we are science experiments?" I say excitedly.

"How?" He looks at me with genuine confusion.

"I mean, think about it. We only know the things that the government wants us to know. What if they're manipulating us into thinking all of this is real when it's actually a dream or something!"

"Holy shit. What if we are being controlled by our brains? Like a little video game," he suggests. "Like, what if the reason we hear the voice in our head is because there actually is a voice," he sat back on his knees, causing me to prop myself up on my elbows in confusion. "What if drugs are illegal because they make us see reality? Like, see things and hear things that we were programmed not to see or hear!"

"I think you're going crazy, Munson," I laugh.

"Crazy for you!" He yelled out.

"You need a nap," I say.

"No, I need to make out with you," he smiled before laying back over me and crashing his lips into mine,

We made out for a while, his hands staying by my side while mine ran through his hair. I pulled away, only because I heard Robin pull into the driveway.

"Hey," Eddie pouted.

"Wait, shh," I said, putting a finger to his lips. I listen for a few seconds, not hearing anything.

"It's just in your head. Now kiss me, please! I love your lips," he whined, moving my face back to his. I nodded as he quickly went back to kissing me.

"I said get cleaned up. Not make out on my floor," Robin said, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.

I quickly pull away from Eddie, causing him to sigh in frustration.

He turned around to look at Robin. "Excuse you but I was finally getting what I wanted," he glared at her.

She went to say something but quickly stopped, squinting at us. She looked back and forth between me and Eddie. "Are you guys high?" Robin smiled.

Eddie nods his head. "Yeah, now can I get back to kissing her?" He asked, hiking his thumb over his shoulder to point at me.

"In the car. Now, get your stuff, I have to get you back before my parents get home," she picked up our bags, handing them to us.

Eddie groaned dramatically as he stood up, grabbing his bag and walking past Robin, side-eyeing her. She smiled in return.

I stood up, also grabbing my bag, thanking her. She nodded as we hurried out of the house.

Eddie quickly buckled me and himself.

"Now, where were we?" He said playfully, kissing up my neck until he reached my lips. I giggled at his eagerness.

Robin buckled herself in and started the car. "Damn, drugs sure do make you two horny. Please don't  do anything other than kiss in my seats!" She pleaded, only half-joking.

Eddie flipped her off, not taking his mouth off mine for even a second.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now