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Robin and I talked about everything I missed while I was away. Apparently, Dustin and Suzie had gone on a date which made me smile. Dustin deserves the world and more.

We pulled up to Eddie's trailer with confused me. Eddie is still wanted so he's staying in his trailer? Dumbass.

Robin noticed my confusion because, when am I not confused. "He will explain everything. Now Go!" She waved me off.

I get out and look at the trailer. Memories of Eddie's helpless screams flood my brain. I look up at the door and nod, telling myself it's okay. I walk up to the door and pause with my hand up to knock. I take a deep breath before actually knocking. I stood there, anxiously waiting for the door to open. I reach into my pocket for some kind of comfort and find Eddie's ring. I slide it back onto my thumb, right where it belongs.

The door opened after what felt like ages. A sleepy-looking Eddie rubs his eyes before opening them completely. His face dropped and went completely serious, shocked. I stared at him, feeling like I was about to cry or explode. But I smiled at him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could without suffocating him. I took in his smell, his warmth. He smelled like cheap cologne and weed.

"Hi," I smile up at him when he puts me down.

"Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. You're actually here. You're back. Holy fuck, I thought I lost you forever," Eddie said, bringing me in for another hug. I felt tears hit my shoulder, but only a few.

"You're alive," I smile with tears in my eyes. I put my hands on either side of his face, looking at him for a moment before he pushed my hands away and pulled me in by my waist to kiss me. He pulled me inside as we continued to make out, closing the door behind us.

He guided me backward until he pulled away to admire my face. He smiled before opening his bedroom door. His hands grabbed mine and led me to his bed. He laid down on his back, pulling me over him. His arms wrapped around me as I snuggled into his chest. I warped my arms under him and listened to his heartbeat.

"Robin said you'd be the one to explain," I lift my head, resting my chin on his chest.

"Of course she did," he sighed.

"I'm listening," I give him a cheesy smile.

"Well, that Vecna guy. He brought us to the upside down. When we separated..."

Eddie's POV:

I storm away from Y/n, annoyed at how hard-headed she is. She really doesn't want us helping her?

Everything happened so fast. I turned around, hearing my name being called over and over. When I look over my shoulder I see Dustin and Robin but not Y/n.

"Where's Y/n?" I start walking back to where we were, passing Dustin and Robin again.

"Fuck. She was, she was right behind me. Shit, sorry," Robin panicked.

"Fuck," I sigh, running back now. Once we made it to a road, we searched the entire town, frantically.

What if something happened to her. Fuck. This is my fault. The last time I saw her we argued. Shit shit shit. We searched everywhere and couldn't find her. We got to my trailer, checking the portal. No one is here.

"Not in here!" Dustin yelled from the bathroom, which was followed by complete silence.

I turn around, walking out of my bedroom to find Dustin and Robin, frozen outside the bathtub, looking in. Robin had her hand over Dustin's mouth. They looked at me and Robin brought a finger up to her mouth. I lean in, looking into the bathtub to see what we are quiet for. I froze, looking at Robin.

"Demidog," she mouthed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling adrenaline start pumping through my veins. I want to run but I'm stuck. I wanted to stay and help them. I have to. As Dustin and Robin tried to quietly make their way out of the bathroom, Dustin's weird watch knocked against the porcelain sink, making the monster's head snap in his direction.

"Run!" I shouted, jumping onto its back, trying to hold it down. It struggled to move against my weight as Robin and Dustin ran out. I heard more yells from them as I got off the demodog and shut the door, hearing it whine behind me. I rush into the living room and see Dustin jumping through the portal off of Robin's shoulders.

I look to the left, seeing two more demodogs trying to squeeze through a small window and other shadows moving past the closed curtains. Dustin made it through the I lifted Robin through the portal. I look around quickly, grabbing a chair. I move it under and hopped up onto the chair, jumping as Robin reached up her hand to me. She grabbed my forearm, pulling me through the gate. I collapse onto the floor, groaning in pain as they pull me up.

"Come on," Robin said, running out of the trailer.


Y/n's POV

"Then we were caught by the cops and these guys were in the station, explaining something about Chrissy's murder. Dustin said they were from the lab and that he hated them," Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "But that guy saved my ass from going to jail. He got me out of it, it was crazy. But after, I asked everyone about you. Robin, Nancy, Steve, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, everyone. They all didn't know. And I was shocked you know. Like completely shocked to see you, at my door, alive. I'm not sure where you've been, but Robin and them were telling everyone you were at camp and I thought it was to hide your death," he gave me a fake laugh. "But look at you, alive," he smiled and kissed all over my face.

"Okay, my turn to inform you," I take a deep breath. "So, Vecna made me think you all had died. Like, I watched all of you die. It was the worst experience of my life. I haven't really felt the same since. And today I found out that all of you are alive and I can't explain the amount of relief and happiness coursing through my blood," I smile, holding him as close as possible.

"I'm so fucking glad you're okay," Eddie kissed the top of my head.

"I'm so happy you're alive," I smile, listening to his heartbeat again.

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