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Once I finished cleaning the last bit, my eyes wandered up until they met his. He smiled at me softly. I smiled back, pulling away from where I was and tossing the towel into his laundry basket.

Eddie stood up to get dressed. Dressed as in, put on boxers. I can't lie, I did watch his every move as he did so. I stood up and walked in front of him as he fixed the hem of his boxers. He looked at me as I moved my arms around his waist, up his back, and around his neck. I softly examined his face, wanting to remember every single detail.

I felt his hands move to my hips. I giggled a bit as he smiled down at me, pulling our bodies together.

"You know, you still haven't told me the truth," I spoke softly, instantly regretting it because it ruined the moment.

He sighed, looking down but still holding me close. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into a hug. "I really did only talk to that one girl. Only for a few days. The reason my uncle's friend said something about girls, plural, coming around her, is because I sell drugs to them. Which I've also gotta stop doing. His friend thinks everyone is a whore because his ex-wife cheated on him and since then he doesn't trust any woman," Eddie kissed the top of my head. "But it really was only one girl. Not for long. I couldn't bring myself into another relationship with someone when I was missing you."

His voice broke a bit in the last part. "I tried looking for you in everyone. Any girl I sold to, the one I talked to, Dustin, Robin, literally anyone. But no one was you. I needed you, y/n." I just stood there, holding him because that's all he needs right now. He brought his chin to my shoulder and I could feel his tears falling. I pulled back slightly, holding his face.

He avoided my eyes, looking to the side. I moved his face slightly so he would look at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"I need to quit. The cocaine, I'm gonna quit. I just... I just need help, I can't trust myself when I'm alone," he spoke through his tears.

"I can help you. I'll stay with you for as long as you need me to. I'm here, I'll help you stay away from it," I smiled, kissing his cheek.

He smiled. "We could do a week at your place and a week at mine?" I suggested as I wiped one of his tears away with my thumb.

"That sounds good to me. Thank you," he chuckled as I brought his face to mine, kissing him.

I pull away after a few seconds, pressing a finger to his chest. "If you ever kiss another bitch again, I will kill you while she watches then kill her."

"Understood," he smiled widely. "Soooo..." his smile somehow got bigger. "Does that mean we're back together?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "And don't fuck it up this time!"


We're now sitting criss-cross across from each other on Eddie's bed, smoking a joint. Eddie took a long hit, holding it for a moment. He looked at me before blowing it to the side.

"M'lady," he offered me the joint, bowing his head down.

I smiled, gladly accepting it. We had both taken two hits, maybe five, possibly burned through a whole joint, and definitely didn't roll a new one.

I took a nice, long, throat-burning hit. I held it, being careful not to cough as I put my hands on Eddie's jaw and pulled his face to mine. He opened his mouth as I blew the smoke, he inhaled. I pulled back, blowing the last teeny bit of smoke into the air.

"Oh my god, wait! Edsterrrrr!! I have the perfect fucking idea!" I smiled excitedly.

"What idea is spinning around in that little brain of yours?" Eddie asked as he rustled my hair. "You look cute with your hair like that," he laughed.

"Eddie!" I snapped, moving my hair out of my face and grabbing his attention again.

"Hm?" He hummed, straightening his posture a bit.

"We should sit on the roof and look at the stars! And smoke! And kiss! Come on!" I get up from his bed and walk out the front door.

Once we were outside, Eddie climbed the ladder on the side of the trailer before me. When I reached the top, Eddie reached his hand to me to help me up. I walk to the middle of the trailer and lay down. Eddie steps over me to lay on my right.

"You're so smart," he says. "Like, absolute genius, shit."

"I know," I smiled. "I'm so smart," I laugh. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart. Smart is a funny word.

I looked at all the stars, their different sizes. And the moon! Oh my gosh, the moon is a crescent and it's gorgeous. The sky is so pretty. The stars are sparkly like glitter.

Eddie sat up, lighting another joint and taking a really long hit. I didn't even know his lungs could hold that much air.

"The stars are so far. Holy shit, we're really tiny if you think about it!" Eddie gasps.

"We really are. Arrr Arrr arrr," I laugh. "Like a pirate. I think that's what pirates say," I shrug.

"I think you should take one more hit and then you and me and done," he laughs.

"Done? But we just got back together?" I laugh.

Eddie passed the joint and lighter to me. I sat up, rolling my neck before looking at him with a smile.

"What?" He smiled back at me.

"Let me kiss that pretty face of yours, Munson!" I lean over to him, both of his having huge smiles on our faces.

"I'm all yours!" He laughed before connecting our lips. We made out for a while before I pulled away because I started uncontrollably laughing.

"What's so funny?" Eddie asked, obviously confused.

"Deez nuts," I giggled.

"You are so unfunny it's insane," he looked at me with a completely straight face.

"I'm the funniest person in the world and you know it," I smile, tapping a finger on his nose.

"Yeah, okay deez nuts is the funniest thing ever," he laughed at me.

"I might not be funny but it's your job as a boyfriend to laugh," I cross my arms.

"Ha ha ha," he looked at me with a straight face again. "I laughed, be happy now," he said, poking my side which emitted a squeal from me.

I smile, holding the joint to my lips and lighting it before inhaling...duh. I pulled it away, holding it for a bit then blow the smoke into Eddie's face who looks like he was about to fall asleep.

"Edddddiiiiiieeeee," I whisper.

He hummed as a response.

"Let's go to sleep, Munson," I said, standing up.

"Mhm," he opened his eyes, grabbing both of my hands for me to pull him up.

We climb back down and walk back into the trailer, crawling into his bed. I couldn't stop giggling and laughing and shit the whole way back. I got myself comfortable as Eddie just laid on his back. I lay on my stomach, resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him.

"Goodnight, Munson," I smile.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Munson," I could hear his smile in his voice as I felt my eyes getting heavier. I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now