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"Y/n, wake up!" Dustin whisper yelled, shaking me awake. I groan in response, wanting to sleep as long as humanly possible. "What do you want, Dustin?" I prop myself up on my elbows, squinting at him since he turned on the brightest light in my room.

"We have a problem," his face was full of worry. He looked rushed, scared, like he had just run a marathon.

"What? What happened?" I sit myself up fully. He didn't say anything, just kept that worried look pressed to his face. "Dustin?" I wave my hand in front of his face to maybe get a response.

"Come with me," when I didn't get up immediately he grabs my arm, pulling me out of bed. "Now!" He yells.

I rush out of the house with Dustin. I'm still in the clothes I slept in, only I slid some shoes on. Dustin and I jump into the car. "Come on come on come on!" He tries to rush me before I can even stick the key in.

"Calm down, I'm going as fast as I can," I yell when I finally get the engine running. Dustin slumps into his seat. "Where am I going?" I look to Dustin as I pull out of the driveway.

"Oh yeah, you know that creep house past the trailer park? The one on the lake?" I nod. "There," he says, so I take off, going as fast as I can without getting pulled over.

We drive up the creepiest driveway to a house that's falling apart and would probably collapse if you blew on it.

Dustin and I get out of the car and walk into the house. It's filled with nothing but dust and silence.

That silence is quickly overtaken by Dustin calling out for Eddie.


Eddie appeared from a doorway, startling me and Dustin.

"Where the hell have you been? It's been hours!" He whisper yelled to Dustin. "I'm sorry, I'm doing my best!" Dustin returned the whisper yelling.

They both argued about how they could have used their time better. I have no clue so I stand between them and turn my head at either of them. "What the actual fuck is going on?" I ask, frustrated that they haven't filled me in yet.

They both quiet their arguing, Eddie sighed looking nervous. Almost scared. "You wouldn't believe me," he says, looking at the floor.

"You'd be surprised at what I'd believe," I reply, remembering all the shit with El, the Demogorgon, and the mall.

"Well, basically..." Eddie starts to explain.


Eddie's POV, the night before:

"See you tomorrow, Muson!" Y/n waved from her car as she drove away.

I quickly remembered that I had to meet with Chrissy because she wanted something to calm her nerves.

I walk deep into the woods and see Chrissy sitting at the picnic table with her hands clasped and her head down. I guess she heard me before she saw me because she looked in my direction and quickly stood with a panicked look.

"Hey, sorry," I greeted her with a smile. "Didn't mean to scare you," her face relaxed. "You alright?" I furrow my eyebrows, she's looking around, paranoid.

"Uh, yeah. Just... are you sure no one is going to come out here?" She asks, quickly looking at me and then back to our surroundings.

"Yeah," I say with a worried laugh. "No one ever comes out here but me, really. Do you want to sit?" I gesture to the seat in front of me.

"Uh, sure," she sits and looks behind her again. Weird.

"Do you have the money?" I question her. She's like, really paranoid. She probably needs the drugs more than I do.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now