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I woke up to a bright light being sone in my face, causing me to squint as I sat up. I prop myself up on my elbow. When the light was out of my face, I look up to see Dustin and Robin, Dustin turning off his flashlight.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I groan. I feel Eddie's hand still around my waist, him having been the bigger spoon. I look between them and pull the blanket up, trying to hide the fact that my ass is pressed against his dick right now.

"Uh, nothing," Dustin stood up straight, his previously shocked face turning into a smile.

"Just, making sure you're alive. You know, like friends do," Robin shrugged with an awkward smile on her face.

"Dustin, I love you, but please get the fuck out," I give him a sarcastic smile, pointing to the door.

He nodded quickly, turning heel and walking out of my room.

"Sorry. It's just, now that you're back we want to make sure you're safe. Let's just say we were a bit surprised to find Eddie in here in only his boxers, and you in his shirt and shorts. Also, the blanket was only covering you from the knees down," she rambled.

"So, the way we were sleeping wasn't a sign that I could be alive? I don't think Munson would fuck a dead body, Robin," I whisper yell at her, trying not to wake Eddie. "Don't barge into my room like that ever again."

"Sorry," Robin whispered, holding up her hands and walking out of the room, closing the door.

I shook my head, laughing a bit as I laid my head back down. I turn to face Eddie, seeing him still asleep. He pulled me closer to him so our chests were touching. I moved my hand to the side of his head and ran my hand through his hair.

Eddie groaned as we woke up with a smile. "Good morning," he kissed my forehead.

"Good morning," I smiled, continuing to run my hand through his hair.

"You have an obsession with my hair, Henderson," he opened his eyes, giving me a sleepy smile.

"Hell yeah I do, this hair is the reason for my living," I laugh.

He looked down at me with his smile not budging a bit. He moved his hand to my ass, bringing our hips together.

"Did you lie about not wanting anything yesterday?" Eddie smirked.

"Pffft, no," I shook my head, feeling his hardening erection through his boxers.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

I nodded as his hand started pulling at my shorts. He slid them down my legs and I kicked them off the bed.

He gave me a knowing smile. "I thought you didn't want anything?"

"That was yesterday, today is a new day," my breath hitched slightly as he pulled our hips together again.

"So you do want something, huh?"

I nodded, bucking my hips against his, hoping for any sort of friction.

"Words, baby," he smiled, moving his face closer to mine.

"Please. I want you," I whisper to him. He leaned down, kissing me deeply. Our hips pushing together repeatedly. We continued to make out as I moved my hand down to his boxers, reaching my hand in and moving up and down his dick.

Eddie moaned into the kiss repeatedly before grabbing my wrist, stopping me from touching him.

"What did you do that for?" I felt my face flush red.

"It's my turn to do something for you. And, you're cute when you're embarrassed," he whispered with his lips still touching mine.

"Yeah? Let it soak in," I said sarcastically.

"I'd rather be soaked in that pussy of yours," he smiled, moving his kisses from my mouth, to my cheek, down my neck.

He pulled up my shirt, exposing my boobs but kissing between them. His kisses move down my chest and to my stomach, stopping at the waistline of my underwear.

"You're so pretty, sweetheart." Eddie moved one of his hands up my body, wrapping around my throat and squeezing slightly. I hummed at the movement. "And I'm gonna need you to be real quiet unless you want everyone to hear how much of a slut you are for me," he smiled.

My eyes widen at his words. His hand moved from my neck as he wraps his fingers around the hem of my underwear, pulling them down. He laid himself between my legs. I could feel him breathe against me, sending shivers through my body. He licked me up and down before stopping at my clit, moving in painfully slow circles.

He pushed two fingers into me without warning, making me gasp. I pull the pillow from beside me, over my mouth to muffle any noises. I gripped onto the pillow with all of my force as Eddie pumped his fingers into my rapidly. His tongue moved faster making my eyes squeeze shut. The warm feeling in my lower stomach started pooling, feeling like I could cum at any moment.

"Hold it," he ordered as I started tightening around his fingers.

Eddie wrapped his hand around my thigh, pressing on my lower stomach. My eyes rolled back as I moaned into the pillow. His tongue started moving side to side even faster than before, making it harder to hold in my orgasm.

"Go ahead, doll," he pulled his mouth away, using his other hand to rub my clit rather than his tongue. "Cum."

I did as he said. I finished with heavy breaths leaving my mouth as I opened my eyes, looking at the ceiling.

I look down at him, pulling the pillow away from my face so I could actually breathe. He pulls his fingers out of me, bringing them to his mouth.

"Such a mess," he said, licking his fingers clean. "And just for me?" He whispered as he pulled my underwear back up.

I smile weakly at him as he crawled his way over me to kiss me.

And of course, the door fucking slams open. My head snaps in that direction, seeing two shocked faces in the doorway.

Eddie pulled the blanket over me. I can only hope they didn't see anything.

Robin and Steve stood there, mouths hung open. Steve quickly put his hand over his eyes, turning his back to us and walking away. Meanwhile, Robin didn't move. She stood there with a smile plastered across her face.

"You dirty, horny, dogs," she laughed before turning her back to leave, closing the door behind her.

I put both of my hands over my face, embarrassed as ever. I peek through my fingers, looking at Eddie who's laughing. Like, full-on belly laughing.

"They seriously need to knock," Eddie says, stifling his laughter.

I grab the edge of the blanket and pull it over my head. I felt Eddie move on the bed before crawling under the blanket with me. He laid his head between my boobs and the rest of his body between my legs.

"Next time, we can have blanket sex. Son no one can see you but me," he smiled, trying to comfort me. I look at him, not knowing what to say. "You know, at least Dustin didn't see," he shook his head, laughing. But, he quickly stopped when he saw I wasn't. "I'm sorry," he said, giving me a quick kiss.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. This is one of those moments that keeps you awake at night years down the line. "It's okay. Just, shocking," I smile, kissing him back.

"You're fucking amazing," he smiled.

"So are you, Munson."


Author's Note: Two smut chapters in a row! Hehe, I hope you're liking the story also please don't get mad at me for anything that happens in the upcoming chapters. If you're scared.. so am I. 

No one dies and no one gets pregnant :)

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