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I looked up at the sky as mine and Eddie's laughter died down but our smiles never left our faces. The sky was gorgeous as the sun was setting with deep purples fading into red.

"Are we sure we want them going down there? They keep staring at things with weird smiles," She said, standing up in the boat.

Eddie and I look between Robin and the rest of the group.

Nancy shrugged her shoulders, looking at us. "They have to. Dustin needs all of us, especially his sister. He's alone out there and needs everyone to help find him." She pulled Robin's hand, sitting her back down.

"What if they get us into trouble? If they can barely hold in laughter, how do we expect them to stay quiet when we need them to?" Robin whined.

"Robin, we're high, not toddlers," I say. Robin opens her mouth to say something but closes it.

"I guess we won't know until we're down there. Let's go," Steve said, removing his shirt and shoes.

"See you down there," Steve saluted us then dove into the dark water.

Nancy and Robin went after him.

"Eddie," I say, looking back at him as I reach my hand over the edge of the boat, feeling the water. "Do you think water is soft?"

"We're about to find out, darling," he stands and dives into the water. His leap caused the boat to shake.

I jumped in after him and swam deeper and deeper until I saw the watergate. I pulled my way through the portal until I felt my back hit the ground.

"Woah," I say to no one but myself as I look at the twisted sky. It's so different in here, so dark, but somehow the sky still manages to wow me.

A bolt of lightning crashed causing me to jump and back into Eddie, emitting a scream from me.

Eddie quickly put his hand over my mouth while putting a finger up to his lips, telling me I have to be quiet.

My eyes widen as my gaze moves from Eddie's mouth to the swarm of bats behind him. Confused, Eddie turns around to see what I'm freaking out over.

"Shit, shit, shit. The bats!" Robin yells, turning heel and running to the forest.

"Run!" Nancy yells at us.

I panic, grabbing Eddie's arm and pulling him with me as Nancy, Steve, and Robin disappear into the woods. They were about twenty feet in front of us and just before we got into the woods, the swarm was now in front of us.

"Oh shit!" Eddie yelled.

This time Eddie grabbed me and we ran into a different part of the woods, barely making it away from the bats. We slow down our running when we know we are far enough away for nothing to find us.

"If you really look at those things' faces, you can kind of see some cuteness in there," Eddie smiles, bumping my shoulder with his.

"Yeah?" I asked playfully. "Why don't you go get a closer look. I'm sure they won't mind," I say sarcastically, smiling back at him while he rolls his eyes at me.

"Do you want one for your birthday? I could go catch one," I joke, pretending to turn back before Eddie grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Your lips look soft," I say softly, looking up at him.

"Yeah?" He asks with a smirk, I nod my head.

"Can you feel anything?" I ask.

"I can feel you," He smiles at me. "I mean I can also feel whatever is falling from the sky, hitting me but when you're in an alternate dimension, what can you do?" He shrugs with a chuckle.

"Oh shit!" my eyes widen again, realizing why we're here. "We have to find Dustin!"

"Fuck, I forgot," he said as we began walking.

Eddie and I decide to walk in the direction we assume Nancy, Steve and Robin are but when we got there, there was no one. So, we went to the Wheeler's house again.

After a walk that was way longer than it was supposed to be, we arrive at the Wheeler's. Inside, the place looked different. Like someone moved things around.

"This is so trippy. Like this whole thing is so weird. It's like Hawkins but, dead. This shit is crazy, man," Eddie said, turning in circles as he looked at everything.

"Did you just call me man?" I ask jokingly since I do the same to him.

"Oh- Y/n, no, no. It was just that-" he stumbled through his words as I broke out into laughter.

"Calm down, Munson. I was joking," I smile up at him.

"Well, Henderson, you know how teasing makes me feel," he said with a straight face, backing me up against the kitchen counter. He moved closer until he could rest both of his hands on the counter, caging me. "Don't tease me, love," he smiled, leaning down, leaving kisses up and down my neck.

He pulled away, giving me a shameless smile. "C'mon, don't get distracted. We have another Henderson to find."

"I- uh. Okay, yeah," I follow after Eddie who had gone up the stairs.

We enter one of the bedrooms, trying to find any sort of clue that anyone had been here.

Eddie and I stop any sort of movement and turn our heads toward each other as he heard something above us. We both look up, hearing footsteps.

Just as I lift my foot to walk quietly toward Eddie, I'm forced to back farther away from him as the ceiling caves in. There was a loud thud as the dust from the drywall flew everywhere. I pull my shirt up to my face, covering my mouth and nose.

Looking down at the mess on the floor, a Demogorgon was laying, curled into a ball. I look up at Eddie with wide eyes, full of terror. "Run," he mouths.

Eddie was closer to the door so he got out half a second before me. But that half-second was too long. Right before I could make it to Eddie, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. My ears were ringing so loudly but I could still make out Eddie screaming my name. Darkness began closing in, I can't hear, I can't see, I feel sick.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now