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He kissed me, and I kissed back. His lips stayed attached to mine for a moment before we both pulled away, noses still touching. I opened my eyes, looking down at his hands on my waist. I took his hands, putting them in front of me while Eddie's eyes flutter open.

I held his hands, rubbing my thumb across the many rings on his fingers.

"Dustin is going to kill me," he said with a laugh. I look up at him. "Who says he has to know?" I look back down at Eddie's rings. "Our little secret?" He asked with a hum. I nod my head and look into his eyes, only to find them already looking at me.

We sit in a comfortable silence as I play with his rings, twisting and observing them. The one on his middle finger is my favorite. It's a hog. I smile, removing it from his finger to look at it closer.

Eddie laughs as he sees my admiration of this certain ring. He takes it from me. I look up at him as he takes my hand in his cold, rough one. Looking back down I see him placing the ring around my thumb. His hands are larger than mine so the ring only fits on my thumb.

Me and Eddie both look up at each other and he has a cheesy smile spread across his face. "Perfect fit," he holds my hand up, the ring reflecting the setting sun. I laugh at his admiration. "Too bad it can't be on my middle finger to show it off when I'm angry," I say looking at the ring on my hand.

He pushes my hand down and holds it in his own. "Well, now only the people who make you happy get to see it. Those other losers don't deserve to see my ring," Eddie declared, meeting my eyes with a smile.

I return his smile and go back to looking at the ring in all its beauty on my hand when I feel a soft kiss placed on my forehead. I close my eyes wanting this feeling to last forever but quickly shaking the feeling realizing we just met and are probably too high for our own good. I don't want just another relationship where it only revolves around my body.

Looking up at Eddie, again, he scrunches his eyebrows together in confusion. "You okay?" He holds my shoulders, looking concerned. I nodded in response. "Is this too much too fast?" I shake my head at his question. "No, it's just. I want to get to know you on a more personal level before anything goes anywhere. You know?" I smiled, nervous about his response.

"No shit, you thought I just wanted to jump into something?" He scoffs. "I could never do something like that. I mean yeah, you're hot. Like really fucking hot. But it doesn't mean that's the only thing I see in you. Trust me. I wouldnt be standing here with you right now if I didn't see something in you," he smiled, taking my hand and rubbing it soothingly.

I laughed, nodding my head. "It's like you read my mind, Munson."

He chuckled but barely enough for me to hear and pulled me into a hug. His arms rested on my shoulders and my hands snaked around his waist. He smelled of cheap cologne and worn leather. Also, weed.

"I have a proposal," he stated, pulling out of the hug. "We could be friends for like, two months, see how that goes. And when the two months are over we can see how we feel about each other. Like, if we need more time or we're better off as friends, or if we want to be together!" He's pacing back and forth as he word vomits his proposal but stops in front of me and crosses his arms. "And during our friendship, we could be friends who... kiss sometimes?" He shrugs at his suggestion.

I giggle a bit with a smile spread widely across my face. "Sounds good to me Mr. Munson!" My agreement was met with a smile.

I look up at the setting sun, realizing the time. "Oh shit. It's getting really dark," I panic, realizing I'm supposed to meet with Robin.

Eddie laughed as I rush into the car. I roll down my window, "See you around, Henderson!" Eddie yells with his hands cupped around his mouth as I speed off, waving out the window.


"Fuck, sorry I'm late. I got caught up," I slide into the booth across from Robin.

She sipped her coffee, looking at me over the rim with an unimpressed face. "Where have you been? It's been half an hour! Thirty Minutes?!" She whisper yelled at me.

"Listen, I had to help Dustin. He needed me!" I laugh, gesturing my hand to no one. "Well, since you're late. You owe me," Robin laughs at her own 'joke'.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get you a date with you know who," I lean into the table, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

Robins's eyes widen as she looks around the coffee shop. "Shhh, she could be around!" I scoff, "Yeah, she's definitely gonna be in here of all places. Does she even drink coffee?" Robin rolls her eyes at my remark, "No, but her friends come here!" She whisper yells again.

I grab the book off the table, "Now, let's start our research, shall we?" Robin gives me a stern look and a nod.

I've only known Robin since last year. But in that past year, she has helped me through so much. She pulled me out of my depression and helped me feel alive again. Robin is probably the best person to be around if you're feeling down. She just has that good energy.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now