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Once we make it into the woods, it's clear that I am the least athletic person of all time. I stop running once we are in the clear, bending over to rest my hands on my knees, catching my breath.

I felt a hand rub my back that's probably drenched in sweat. I open my clenched eyes and look up to see that it's Eddie rubbing my back. He bends over and manages to give me a hug in the awkward position that I'm standing in.

"O-okay. That was," Robin paused, looking at me and Eddie. "Crazy," her eyes widen in an 'are you serious' manner. "Do you guys ever separate?" She asked, pointing between us while Steve and Nancy turn around, seeing Eddie awkwardly hugging me.

Eddie and I stood up, separating as I was still trying to get my breathing under control.

"Robin, I swear to god I will snitch on you to your mom if you keep this up," I threaten, pushing past her.

"Hey!" Robin yelled, pushing past Nancy and Steve. "You know I can't live through the week without a little weed," She points a finger in my face, now standing in front of me.

"Then, cut it out," I point my finger back at her. She starts to say something but I raise an eyebrow at her, making her stop her thoughts from escaping.

"I think we should find one of our houses," I suggest

Looking between everyone, they all nod. "My house should be just up here," Nancy pointed and led the way.

After half an hour of walking and listening to every single thought that appeared in Robin's head, we arrived at Nancy's house.

"House!" Robin yelled, taking off running to get inside.

Steve and Nancy also started running to catch up to her.

"Great, more running," I sigh. Then Eddie and I begin chasing after them too.

"Son of a bitch! I hate running," I say between staggered breaths as we finally make it to the Wheeler house.

"Why is it that you're always the one out of breath?" Eddie chuckled, causing everyone to look at me and my crouched position.

"You do realize I'm not in the best shape, right?" I breathe out heavily, making everyone laugh. Well, everyone but Eddie. Weird.

"Well, let's not stand out here with all the monsters, huh?" Steve stated.

"Yeah, we'll be in, in a second," Eddie waved everyone off, leaving me confused.

"Okay, take your time," Nancy said with a smile, pushing Robin inside.

"No canoodling!" Robin said, pointing at us besides all of Nancy's efforts.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at Robin before giving Eddie a confused look.

"So... what's up?" I ask.

"Are you insecure?" Eddie blurted out, catching me off guard.

"Uhm," I give a fake laugh. "What?"

"Was that too forward?" He looks at me, concerned.

"Well, I guess everyone is insecure about something?" I say, nervously avoiding eye contact.

"What are you insecure about?" He asks genuinely.

"Eddie, do we really have to do this now?" I ask as I bring my hands together, picking at the skin around my nails.

"So you are insecure?"

"Yes, Eddie. Like I said, everyone is insecure about something," I say blatantly, wanting this conversation to end. I know he's concerned but this isn't something I particularly enjoy talking about.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now