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"Why does it take so long to dry?" Eddie asks as he paces my room, flapping his hands.

"Be patient," I laugh.

"I am patient!" He said defensively.

I gave him an "Are you serious?" look. "Are you sure about that? It's been like thirty seconds and you're complaining that your nails are still wet."

"Yeah, but it's not my fault. I didn't know it would take this long. Usually, I just sharpie my nails," He drops his arms to his sides.

"Lemme see," I reach my hand to his. I bring his hand close to my mouth, blowing on his nails before he snatches them away.

"That feels weird."

"It would've helped them dry faster," I shrug.

"Oh my god," Eddie says, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Oh my god," I mock him.

"Space is so weird," he plops back onto his back. "I mean, how was something created from literally nothing? Makes no sense. Something had to be there. That's why I think we're an experiment," he states.

I turn to him, feeling how heavy my eyes are. "We're an experiment because space came from nothing? Then how did the experimenters get there?"

"I don't know. I'm not an experimenter," Eddie shrugs.

"You sound crazy," I laugh.

"I am crazy," Eddie props up on his elbow. "Crazy for you," he smiles, kissing me quickly.

"You're so cheesy, Munson," I cover my face with my hands, hiding the fact that I'm blushing.

"How did you paint my nails so neatly?" Eddie asks, holding both of his hands out in front of him.

"I'm a pro," I joked. "How long are you gonna stare at your hands?"

"Forever," he started laughing.

"What if all of our fears are based on how we are gonna die? Like, someone, one of the experimenters, comes in having a bad day and is just like "Fuck you, I'm pulling your plugs but making your life a living hell first" you know?" I said.

"What kind of twisted theory is that?" He looks at me.

"A twisted theory from my twisted mind," I make the mind-blown gesture to my head.

Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto him as he laid back on his back again. "I think this was an amazing first date," he smiles.

"I agree," I lay my head down on his chest as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

My door then quickly opened. "I knew it smelled in here," my mom walked in, placing a hand on her hip.

I quickly got off of Eddie, sitting next to him as he sat up.

"Right... smells weird... I wonder why..." I hold in a laugh.

"Y/n, you didn't tell me-"

"Oh my god, we have such a nice hallway," I quickly get up and rush out of the room, dragging my mom with me and closing the door.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," her hands return to her hips.

"I just wanted to live my childhood dream of hotboxing my room," I snort.

"No, I don't care about that as long as Dustin isn't home. I want to know why there is a boy in your bed," she looks to the door and then back at me.

"Oh, right. Well, that's Eddie. He's my boyfriend. We've been dating for months, before the camp even," I said nervously. I didn't mean to not tell her about Eddie, it just never came up and both of us are hardly home at the same time anymore.

She exhaled a deep breath. "Thank god!"

"What?" I look at her confused.

"I thought you were going to end up with one of the jock boys. But, looks like you take after me," she winked.

"Ew, mom. Don't wink at that," I scrunch up my face and laugh.

"Don't worry, I know exactly why you're into him," she winks again making me laugh.

"Stop! Please! You're traumatizing me!"

"I could make this more awkward. I find it amusing," she laughs as I walk back into my room. I shake my head at her before closing the door. Shit, it does stink in here.

I walked back to my bed with my hands covering my face as I sit next to Eddie.

"So, how did that go?" he laughed at me.

"Great," I widen my eyes.

He sighed with a chuckle. "What happened?"

"She said she knows why I chose you and said I take after her in that. Then she winked. Which always means something sexual. And she was glad I didn't choose a jock," I bring my hands back to my face, leaning against the wall.

"Imagine, you with a basketball boy. You would go on cute dates like to the movies," He mocked. "Oh my god! Imagine you were dating Jason! He'd be all "oh, my baby, she's so sweet and precious and innocent. She likes snuggies and cuddles," Eddie waved his hands around as he talks.

"You don't think I'm sweet and precious?" I peek through my hands.

"Most of the time," He shrugs with a smile.

"All of that sounded repulsive. Never say those words again. I do like cuddling though," I laugh.

"With Jason?" Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I put my hand to his face, stopping him from wiggling his eyebrows anymore. He stuck out his tongue, licking my hand. "Gross, Eddie. No, I like cuddling with you."

He moved his hands to my face, bringing me in for a kiss before pulling away. "You like it when I hit you," he smirked.

"No, I just let you do it because I'm vanilla and know you like it," I say sarcastically.

"Good," he smacked my ass.

"Eddie! My mom!" I nod my head to the room next to mine. "She just got done telling me why she knows I prefer you. We don't need her to hear us proving her point!" I laugh. "But, the point can be proven later when she isn't here."

"It's a date," he smiles before kissing me again.


Author's note: No, because who said Joseph Quinn looks like coleslaw...

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