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After he finished, he stayed there standing, looking at all of me while I look at all of him. He was just as breathless as I was. We just laid and stood there, admiring each other, catching our breaths.

Eddie looks down at my stomach and smiles at the mess he made before looking back at me.

I watched his chest move up and down with his breathing, his mouth hung slightly open. He looked tired but the happiest he could be. He crawled next to me, kneeling by my head to untie me.

"Get that thing out of my face, Munson," I laugh, turning away from his dick which was very much, in my face.

"Ugh, one second. I thought you liked him?" Eddie chuckles.

"Him?!" I laugh the word out. "I like him when he's not swinging around in my face, thank you very much!"

Eddie laughs, removing the restraint on my wrists and tossing it somewhere.

I sit up, checking the bandage on my shoulder, making sure it wasn't out of place. Somehow, everything was right where it was supposed to be. Eddie did a good job wrapping me up.

He grabbed the rest of the torn-up sheet and wiped his kids off of me. I take my shirt back from the floor and put it over my head, covering myself. I turn my head to look at Eddie who has his back faced to me, digging through our clean clothes. Well, his clean clothes.

He walks back to me and sets down clothes next to me. I move to the edge of the bed and criss-cross my legs. The shirt was long enough to cover anything, not that it mattered, but I wasn't exposing myself.

Eddie stands in front of me, holding both of my hands. He pulls my arms around his waist and leans down to kiss me for a moment before pulling away. "Did you enjoy our adventure into the kinky world?" He chuckled.

"Yes, yes I did," I smile at him. "I assume you did too?"

"Fuck yeah, I did!" He said excitedly, nodding his head.

I reach my arms up for a hug, wrapping them around his shoulders. His arms quickly went around my waist and he rested his head on my good shoulder.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," I reply.

"Well," Eddie says, pulling away from the hug. "I brought you pants and underwear," he points to the clothes next to me. "And I'm going to go get dressed since you don't like Eddie Jr. hanging out," he rolls his eyes with a smile and walks back to his bag.

I laugh at him and stand off the bed. I put on the underwear ad pants that he gave me and smile when I find his shirt under the pants. So, I change my shirt to his.

Once I finish changing, I look over at Eddie and laugh a little when I see him jumping to put on his pants. He zipped and buttoned them before walking to the bed and taking off the blanket. "Hold this?" He asked me.

I took the blanket from him, he mumbled a thank you before fixing the bed. He laid down another old blanket, using it to cover the bed since we made a mess on the other sheets. He tossed the pillows back to their places and grabbed the blanket from me before laying it out on the bed.

"Tada!" Eddie said with a smile, stretching out both of his arms in celebration.

"Wow, Eddie. I didn't know you could make a bed," I say sarcastically but, honestly, I kind of didn't.

He glared at me with a smile. "And I cleaned up the mess we made."

"Okay, okay fine," I laugh, raising my hands in defense.

Eddie picked me up, making me gasp as he threw me over his shoulder before slamming my back onto the bed. I laughed as I bounced a bit. I crawled up to the head of the bed so I could lay down on a pillow.

Eddie however, walked over to the window. He moved a loose piece of wood, putting his eyes up to it.

"Holy shit, it's dark out there," he laughed, loving the piece back.

He walked back over to the bed, lying next to me. He flipped to his stomach putting him directly next to me. Arms touching and all.

We were both now laying on our stomachs, just admiring each other's faces.

"Dream about me," Eddie winked with a smile.

"Goodnight, Munson," I roll my eyes and smile at him. He wrapped his arm around me before apparently not finding it uncomfortable and dramatically flipping to his back.

"Christ, Eddie," I say, moving my head back, avoiding getting accidentally punched in the face by his flailing arms.

I move my head to his chest and feel him laugh. "Goodnight, Y/n."


Fuck. I woke up in the fucking lab again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I get up and wander around, trying to find that Henry dude again. But when I look around, actually assessing my surroundings. I'm in the rainbow room again.

"Welcome back, Y/n," Henry stands in front of me with a smile.

"Again? Another talk? What is this bullshit anyway?" I swing my arm around, gesturing to the whole room, lab, everything.

"You already know the answer to that," he shakes his head.

"Right, remembering things," I nod my head.

"Why don't we have a seat?" He suggested, taking my hand.

"Uh, okay," I quickly snatch my hand away from his, wiping my hand on the gown.

"Do you know why you can't remember anything before the age of ten?" Henry pulled out a seat for me, pushing me in. At least he's a gentleman.

"My mom said I got into an accident," I shrug my shoulders.

"No, no, no, no," he smiled. "There was no accident. There is no brain damage."

"What?" My face fell serious.

"Do you know why you have the tattoo here, but not there?" he pointed to his own tattoo as a reference. I shook my head, not having any words.

"They removed it."

"Who removed it?" I ask.

"The men. They will find you. Soon. And the next week of your life will be absolute carnage," he looks angry.

My face went pale. My stomach hurts. I wait for him to continue.

"There is only so much I can tell you. I cannot tell you who will die. I cannot tell you how they will die. Until next time, number fifteen."

Everything went black.


I opened my eyes. I'm back at the house. I hold Eddie, tighter than before. He should be okay, right? I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt him move in his sleep, throwing an arm over me.

"Go back to sleep, love," he kissed the top of my head, not even bothering to open his eyes.

I smile, breathing in his smell. And somehow manage to fall back asleep.


Author's Note: Thank y'all for 20k reads! Obviously you're enjoying the story but I hope you continue to! :) I love you, stay safe, and enjoy reading the rest of the book!

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