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"Good morning sunshine!" Eddie yelled as he jumped on the bed, waking me up.

"Eddie, what the fuck?" I say, throwing a pillow at him.

"What the fuck, what?" he asks, throwing the pillow back at me just as I sat up.

He plopped down next to me, sitting criss-cross. "You can't sleep forever, doll. The world is too boring without you!" he whined and laughed.

I smiled, rubbing my eyes.

"We need to shower. I feel disgusting. Hiding out like this doesn't smell too good. I'm gonna call Robin and ask her to come get us," I say, putting my feet on the floor while still sitting on the bed. I reach to the bedside table where the radio sat.

"Yeah, I feel gross too," he said, lifting his arm to smell his armpit which makes his face scrunch up in disgust. "How do I turn you on smelling like this?"

"I ask myself the same thing," I laugh.

"You know, you don't stink," he says, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, right. I haven't showered in four days and have traveled through another dimension. I probably smell like ass," I scoff.

"Well, you're lucky because you don't. But I do," He gave me a proud smile.

I laugh, pressing the button to talk to Robin.

"Robin!" I drag out her name, practically whining.

"Hey, HI. Y/n, did you need something? Did something happen?" She panicked.

"Oh, no, we're good. Just wondering if you could come get us so we can shower," I look over to our overflowing laundry basket. "And our clothes?"

"You scared me for a second!" She sounded stern but laughed. "Yeah, I'll be there in a bit."

"Okay, sounds good. Bye!" I said, putting the radio back on the bedside table.


Robin walks us into her house and points us to where everything is even though I've been here countless times.

"Alright, I have to get to work. Good luck, you know where everything is. Bye!" She hugged me before rushing out the door.

"Bye?" I ask just as the door closed and look at Eddie.

"Oh my god. The girl she likes is working with her today. That's why she's in a rush!" I laugh out.

"She's in a rush for pussy?" he smirked as we made out way up the stairs.

"She's in a rush for pussy," I say, confirming.

Eddie set our bags down on Robin's bed. "So, what's the plan?"

"I was thinking, I'll shower and you can throw our clothes in the wash?" I ask, gathering the last of my clean clothes to take with me into the bathroom.

"Am I allowed to join your shower? I mean, we wouldn't want to waste water, right?" He raises his hands up in defense.

"Good point. Let's save some water, Munson," I smile, patting him on the chest.

I walk into Robin's bathroom with Eddie two steps behind me.

We both brush our teeth for the first time in forever. I don't know if the strongest gum would be able to have fixed our breath at that point.

I start the shower, turning it to almost the hottest setting. I want to burn off all of the dirt and whatever else is on me.

Eddie started removing his clothes and throwing them on the floor.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now