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I sighed, standing from my spot and wiping the dirt from my ass. I glance to the place where Eddie was sitting seconds ago. I'm gonna find out what this mother fucker is lying about.

I walk away from the bench and back to Eddie's trailer. I snuck up to the side of it, hoping no one can see me. I glance at the front of the trailer, seeing a man standing at the door, completely still, with a serious look on his face. He looks scary, really muscular, with shorts. And he was ugly to top it off. Gross.

I watched as someone opened the door and stepped out, quickly realizing it was Eddie.

"Jay! You're early!" Eddie said with a cocky smile on his face. They walk over to the small firepit with lawn chairs around it. The both of them take their seats. Eddie has a small bag in his hand.

"Yeah, sorry about that man. Tight schedule," the man shrugs his shoulders, keeping the serious look on his face. "Look, I'm gonna need some stuff," he says, pulling a thick envelope from his pocket. Money?

Eddie grabbed it from Jay's hand, peeking inside and nodding. "You know the rules, Jay," Eddie shrugs. "Can't give you anything 'til I know the money's all there," he laughs. "Chris!" Eddie yelled, echoing through the woods. Another guy walked out of the trailer, I can only assume that's Chris. He approached Eddie, not saying a word. "Check it," Eddie said, handing the envelope to Chris.

Chris nodded and walked back into the trailer. I watched as Eddie pulled a few Ziploc bags from his pocket. "How much is in it?"

"Three hundred," Jay said.

"Alright," Eddie laughed, grabbing two bags half full of cocaine. "You get one bag, you're two hundred short. But, you've been hanging around for a while so think of it as a 'you own me', yeah?" He smiled, standing up and going to the trailer, leaving Jay alone.

Jay shook his head with a smile. "My man," he mumbled as he walked back to his car.

I slowly stood up, looking into Eddie's bedroom window. Creepy, I know, but I'd rather be creepy and make sure he's safe than go home not knowing.

Eddie plopped onto his bed, glancing over to the nightstand. I look over to it and see two lines laying on the table along with a half-sniffed one.

"Oh, no," I whisper to myself. I watch as Eddie gets up and crouches in front of the nightstand, rolling up a dollar bill.

I can't watch him do this.

I walk away from the window and to his front door, opening it and walking in. I look into the living room, seeing the guy who answered the door earlier, passed out on the couch with needles next to him on the table. Fucking heroin?

I burst into Eddie's room and see him with his head tilted back and his eyes closed. The two and a half lines from earlier are gone and I can see the coke on his nose from here.

"Look who it is, man of the year," I cross my arms, leaning on the door frame. "You know, when my boyfriend said he isn't into heavy drugs, you'd think he isn't into heavy drugs," I laugh.

His eyes widen, clearly startled. "Fuck, uh Y/n," Eddie stood up looking between me and his nightstand. "I can explain," he held his hands out in front of him.

"Yeah, go ahead. Please explain to me why you have FUCKING COCAINE ON YOUR NOSE!" I yell.

"I didn't, no. I just, Uhm, slipped. I slipped and my face hit the table," Eddie stammered, horrendously lying.

"Awe, did you fall?" I baby talk him. "Then why did I fucking watch you snort three lines of fucking cocaine? You fucking liar! I just watch you sell it and not you're doing it?" Fuck keeping my emotions under control.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now