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I open my eyes in a panic, quickly sitting up from my bed. I look around, gasping for air, confused on how I got home. Fuck! This ruins the plan! I get out of bed, changing into grey sweatpants and a black pullover. I reach for my shoulder, realizing it doesn't hurt. I pull off the crewneck to look at my once wounded shoulder. There's not even a scratch.

I put the shirt back on and walk out of my room and see our cat sitting on the side table next to the couch. I tilt my head at her before petting her head as I walked past her. I walk into Dustin's room but stop at the door. His room is clean? He isn't here.

"Great," I mutter to myself before walking across the hall and knocking on my mom's bedroom door. No response. I knock a bit harder. No response. I creak the door open and no one is in there.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused because my mom never leaves the house, and if she does, she takes the cat.

I wandered around the whole house just to find nothing and no one. I walk outside, hoping to find any sign of human life. It's completely silent out here. No cars, no birds, no people, nothing. I go inside, grabbing the keys from the hook, and get into the car.

On my way to the abandoned house, I arrived at a red light. I looked both ways and of course, nothing. So I run the light. Who's gonna stop me?

I continued my drive while also searching for any sign of people. Nothing. When I get to the house I notice that the front door is wide open. The door shouldn't be open. My heart skips a beat, hoping Eddie is inside. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes as I'm stood in front of the open door. When my eyes open, I'm not there anymore. I'm in the middle of a white hallway. I look around, trying to figure out where I am before looking down, noticing I'm in a hospital gown.

"Papa, please! I'm sorry!" I heard a child's voice yell.

"Please, Papa! No! Please!" The child screamed and screamed, echoing through the empty halls.

I start walking forward. The voice got louder behind me. I turn to look and nothing is there but I keep walking, the sound following. I ran and quickly push open the double doors in front of me, closing them behind me as I breathed heavily.

"Papa, please! No!" The screams were right outside the door. My heart starts racing. "No!" The screams fade as if whoever that was, was being dragged away.

I look around the room I'm in, noticing a bunch of different games. A rainbow wrapped around the walls. I felt smaller. Everything was bigger than it was supposed to be.

I look directly forward, noticing a mirror. As I approached myself, I could see the confused look growing on my face. I'm... young. I brought my hands to my face, feeling around in pure shock. My hands are trembling. I'm a child. And my hair. It's gone. I reach up to wipe my tears and notice a mark on my arm. It's a tattoo. 015

What does this mean?

"You're very early. None of the others are awake yet. Did you forget the rules number fifteen?" The man tilted his head at me with a scary smile.

"Uhm, yeah. I suppose I did," I smiled nervously, hoping if I played along I could figure this out a lot faster. I even sounded younger.

"Well, we better get you back to your room. We don't want Papa finding you, do we?" He smiled warmly, holding out his hand for me to hold.

I quickly wipe the remaining tears off my face, grabbing his hand. I looked around as we walked down the hallway. Everything is so empty.

"So, number fifteen. Having nightmares?" He asked in an almost creepy tone.

All I did was blink and suddenly this man was standing directly in front of me.

"They made you forget?" He said, his eyes went bloodshot and my vision started to blur.

I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping it would fix my blurry vision but when I opened my eyes the man was gone. In front of me was a grandfather clock. I stared at it for a bit before it chimed. I start to back away before noticing I'm in the abandoned house. As I turn to run, I bump into the same man from before. Yet, when I blinked again he was replaced by a creature and I found myself in the upside-down.

"Do you remember number fifteen?" He sounds angry, I don't see him. "Do you remember what you did?" His anger is growing. "Do you remember your promise?"

"Vecna." I breathed out, realizing this is who Eddie and Dustin were talking about.

"Never forget where you came from," his voice changed. It doesn't sound like him anymore. I turned the other direction, running down a hallway. There's a door at the end of it. When I open the door, I freeze. Max. She's floating. Her eyes are pure white.


My eyes open and I quickly sit up, gasping for air again. I look around frantically only to see Eddie laying down next to me with his arm around my waist. My breathing calmed when I noticed his peaceful, sleeping state. I lay back down, confused, reaching my arm up to touch my shoulder and hiss when the pain shoots down my arm.

Eddie jolts awake at my pain. "Woah, hey, careful! You're not healed yet!" He panicked, sitting up quickly to help me get comfortable. "You okay?" He gives me a worried expression.

"Yeah, sorry. Just had a crazy dream. How long was I out for?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"Don't worry, only a few hours. But, while you were sleeping, we got you all cleaned up and disinfected. You lost a lot of blood," he smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Thank god," I sigh in relief. "Are we at the abandoned house?" I look around the room, recognizing it.

"The one and only," Eddie smiled, laying back down beside me. He laid an arm over my stomach and snuggled his head next to mine, careful not to touch my shoulder. "I bet this room brings back your favorite memory," I heard him mumble with a smile.

"You're full of yourself, Munson," I laugh.

"Get some rest, sweetheart. You've only been asleep for three hours," he whispered as he kissed my temple. "Goodnight Mrs. Munson."

I smiled at the thought of his last name being mine. "Goodnight Mr. Munson," I mumble, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. 

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now