16 (smut)

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I woke up feeling absolutely drained. I sat up on the bed, putting my feet on the floor while Eddie was sound asleep behind me. I looked at the boarded-up window, seeing the sun just barely peeking through.

I got up, careful not to move my arm, and walked over to my backpack. I really needed to change my clothes. Being extremely careful, I removed my shirt trying to avoid direct contact with the wound. I was left in a bra and sweats. Taking a deep breath, I put my dirty shirt on the table.

I slid off my pants as well using only my good arm. I straighten my posture, tossing my sweats on the table with my discarded shirt.

"Well, good morning to me," Eddie said with his morning voice. I quickly turn around, looking at him surprised.

Eddie was laying on his side, looking at every inch of my body as he propped his head up on his hand.

"Jesus fucking christ, Eddie! You scared me!" I whisper yelled, shaking my head.

"Well don't shit yourself, sweetheart," his smile got wider as he got off the bed and approached me.

He looked down at me, placing his hands on my hips. "You look gorgeous as always."

"And you look just as handsome as always," I smile, pushing his hair away from his face.

He brought his hands up to either side of my face, pulling me in for a kiss. He kissed me roughly, his tongue sliding across my bottom lip, seeking entrance. But I don't let him.

His hands traveled down my body until they met the hem of my underwear. He pulled away from the kiss momentarily.

"Is this okay?" He asked, looking directly into my eyes. "I don't want to put any pressure on your shoulder at all."

"If anything, you'd be a distraction from the pain. So yes, this is more than okay," I smiled.

He smirked, leaning down to kiss me again. His tongue grazes my bottom lip but I still don't let him in. What's wrong with a bit of teasing?

His hand found its way to the front of my underwear and slipped inside. He started rubbing my clit in small circles, making me gasp. He took the opportunity to get his tongue in my mouth but I pull away.

"Gum?" I ask, my eyes pleading.

"Of course," he grabbed the gum off of the table where my clothes sat. He smiled, putting half the stick of gum in my mouth while he bit off the other half.

After chewing the gum for a split second, Eddie's mouth was back on mine and his hand was back where it was. He continued to rub my clit, increasing his speed, making me moan into the kiss. I felt him wrap his arm around me, picking me up. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he carried me to the bed.

He gently laid me down before pulling away from the kiss. "What would you like, baby?" he smiled ever so slightly. "Hm?" He questioned. "Use your words," he smirked down at me.

"I want you," I breathed out as he continued working my clit.

"Do you want me inside of you?" He asked, his voice deepening with lust.

"Yes," I blurt out breathlessly.

"Where are your manners?" He shook his head at me.

"Eddie...Please. I want you," I said, struggling to form any real thoughts.

"Good girl," he smiled, bending down to kiss me but our lips just barely touch.

I frowned at the loss of contact as he pulled off his sweatpants and boxers.

"Patience, love," he smiled.

"You're the patient one, not me," I smiled, sitting up on my elbows.

"Trust me, I know," he said, suddenly slamming himself into me, causing me to fall back down onto the bed. He was already going so fast, already sending me over the edge.

The room filled with mine and Eddie's moans and grunts. I was so lost in all the pleasure I was experiencing. I felt his thumb go back to my clit. He started rubbing fast, causing my stomach to knot.

Eddie couldn't hold his moans anymore. He didn't care if anyone heard.

"E-Eddie," I breathed out between moans. "You're a wanted man, you better quiet down," I say, struggling to breathe correctly.

"Y/n," he grunted. "I can't control how you make me feel," he said, just as breathless as I was.

I smiled at him weakly as my mouth hung open slightly.

The knot in my stomach continued to tighten as Eddie quickened his pace.

"Fuck, Eddie!" I call out. "Eddie gonna," I can't even finish my sentence, he's pounding just the right spot over and over.

"Me too," he grunted out.

I came undone all over him just before he pulled out and came all over my stomach.

Eddie laid down next to me, kissing up and down my nack as we both caught our breaths. He sat up, kissing me on the forehead. "Let me clean you up," he smiled before quickly kissing my lips.

"You are truly amazing, My. Munson," I smiled, watching him clean his cum off of my stomach with his old shirt.

"So are you, sweetheart," he smiled up at me, tossing the shirt into a bag with the rest of our dirty laundry.

He walked over to get us clothes and looked at the outfit I took out, then looked back at me before dressing himself.

"Love, you don't need to dress in uncomfortable jeans right now, you're supposed to be comfortable," he laughed. "I told them we aren't going anywhere until you're healed, then we can go out and help them. But I don't want you getting more hurt," he said, reaching into his own bag to grab me pajama pants and a black T-shirt.

"Well, I wasn't exactly thinking when I pulled those out," I laugh. "But thank you for your concern," I smiled as he set my clothes down next to me. He slid new underwear on since he dirtied up my other pair.

"Don't worry, I love you too much to let anything happen to you," he smiled as put his pants on me.

He loves me. "You love me?" I smile down at him.

He nods his head. "Loving you is like breathing. I do it without realizing, without thinking, and without knowing how to make it stop," Eddie looked up at me with the most genuine smile that I've ever seen someone express.

"Fuck, Munson. You're gonna make me cry," I laugh, turning my face away from him so he doesn't see my tears.

He reaches to me, grabbing my face so I look him in the eyes. "I love you, Y/n. And I don't plan on stopping any time soon."

My eyes well up with tears. Eddie pulls me in for a quick kiss but I'm the one to pull away.

"I love you too," I smile warmly at him. "Now, can I have a shirt please?" I laugh, trying to stop the tears from coming.

"Oh shit, yeah," he laughed as well.

He pulled the shirt over my head but let me put my arms through so he didn't hurt me at all.

Eddie pressed his hand over my hair, smoothing it down then handing me a hoodie. "In case you get cold," he smiled. "I have some paper and drawing stuff in my bag. Do you want to draw with me?" He chuckled, pulling two notebooks and a case of sharpies out of his bag.

"Of course!" I said excitedly, getting comfortable on the bed. He sat across from me while I leaned my back against the headboard.

"Okay, let's make it a competition," he said, already having the idea in his head, probably from when he grabbed the stuff. "I draw you and you draw me and whoever's is better, wins," he smiled.

"What do you win?" I ask, opening the notebook to the first blank page.

Eddie shrugs his shoulders. "Whoever wins can pick."

I nod my head at him, grabbing a sharpie. That art class from freshman year better come through. 

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