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Eddie and I continued to hold each other close. We talked for hours, kissed a lot, eventually falling asleep.

I opened my eyes, looking into the now dark room. I look around, carefully sitting up to not wake Eddie up. Didn't work.

"Oh shit. What time is it?" He said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Nighttime," I yawn.

"You're hilarious," he gave me a sarcastic look.

I laughed a bit at his reaction, making him smile. "Well, I would tell you but I don't have a watch," I shrug. "And, I have to go home. Do you wanna come?" I smirk at my words. "Emphasis on wanna come, Mr. Munson?"

He gave me a bigger smile, shaking his head. "I would love to come." Eddie stands up, grabbing a bag off the floor and filling it with clothes and whatnot.

"You ready?" I ask as Eddie stands in the middle of the room looking around. For what? No clue.

"I think so, yeah. But we have to walk," He reached his hand out to me.

"Great, I love nighttime walks," I smile, taking his hand.


I knocked on the door since I forgot to grab my key when Robin took me. I waited for an answer and just before I knocked again, Dustin opened the door.

"Good, you're home," Dustin smiles. He looked behind me as I walked into the house, spotting Eddie. His smile dropped for a beat before he looked away. "I was just about to head to Mike's."

"This late?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. Eddie wandered around the living room, looking at all of our family photos.

"Yeah, we're having a campaign," Dustin said as he very quickly left, almost slamming the door behind him.

"Aren't you the Dungeon Master?" I ask Eddie, pointing my thumb to the door Dustin just left from.

"Yeah, but I have better things to do," he smiled at me.

"Wanna show me that room of yours so you can take me up on that offer?" Eddie wiggles his eyebrows.

"I hate that face," I laugh as I start walking in the direction of my room.

"You love this face," Eddie laughs, following behind me.

"That I do," I look back and smile at him.

We walk into my room, Eddie closing the door behind us before looking around, admiring my room. "Is that Bowie?" He asks, pressing a finger to one of my posters.

"Yes," I laugh as Eddie plopped down on my bed with his feet off the edge and his arms out.

I walk over, standing in front of him. I push his legs open, getting down on my knees and watching Eddie's expression.

"Oh?" He smirked, propping himself up on his elbows.

I put my hands on his knees and run them up to his belt. I slowly unbuckled it, sliding his pants down, revealing his boxers.

I played with the hem of his boxers, watching him get hard at the thought of what I'm about to do to him. I watch his reaction at every slight touch of my fingers. His eyes stayed focused on my hands, looking eager. He's looking pretty impatient for 'such a patient guy'.

Pulling down his boxers slowly, his dick lifted past the waistband. It's bigger than I had expected. I mean, I assumed it was but I had never seen it close like this. I observed it, pulling his boxers to his ankles.

"Something wrong?" He asks with a worried expression on his face.

"No," I shake my head. "I've just, never been this close before," I say, mesmerized.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now