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I walked out of the bathroom after turning the water on, letting the shower heat up. I make my way to my room, grabbing a change of clothes while listening to the boys continue to play fight in the living room. I walk back into the bathroom, close the door behind me, and set my clothes on the closed lid of the toilet seat.

As soon as I get into the shower, the heat of the water relaxes every muscle in my body. I stood under the water and just let the drops hit my body repeatedly. I probably could have fallen asleep standing if I wanted to, but someone knocked at the door.

"Uhh... I'm showering," I yell.

"It's me," I hear Eddie's voice but just barely through the door and the sound of the water.

"Come in," I reply.

The door opened and Eddie walks in, quietly closing the door behind him. I watched as he looked me up and down through the fogged glass. I wipe a circle in front of my face and smile at him.

"Uh..." His eyes moved from my face then to the floor.

"Need something?" I laugh.

"Uh, oh, yeah," he chuckled nervously. His eyes wandered hesitantly to my face.

"C'mon, Munson. You're acting like you've never seen me naked before," I laugh. Now he's making me nervous.

"Well, I just wanted to be respectful," he put his hands behind his back, looking back to the floor. "Could I, uhm... Could I shower with you? No sex or anything I just wanna take one... with you? It's okay if you say no, I can wait till you're done I just-"

"Eddie," he looked up at me, stopping his rambling. "Come in," I nod.

He smiled and got all excited, making me laugh. I tilt my head into the water, wetting my hair. The shower door opened so I opened my eyes and watched Eddie walk in. We swapped places so he could get under the water. I grabbed the loofa and body wash, squeezing soap onto it.

I turn to Eddie who has his eyes closed and the water running through his hair. I laughed a little bit as he pushed his bangs away from his face, revealing his forehead.

"What's so funny?" he opened his eyes.

"You have a cute forehead," I smiled as he chuckled. He then shook his head like a wet dog, spraying water everywhere.

"Not with this hairline," he joked as I rubbed the soap into the loofa, sudsing it up.

"You did not just disrespect your cute ass hairline like that!" I gasp, putting my hand to my heart. I rub the loofa all over myself like you do when you shower.

"You think it's cute?" He smirked.

"The cutest," I smile as I rustle his wet hair.

He laughed as he took the loofa from me. "Let me get your back," he turned me around.

He kept one hand on my shoulder as he ran the loofa down my back. Once he finished, he pressed his body against mine, resting his head on my shoulder. I looked over to him as he wrapped an arm around me, bringing the sponge to my chest, over my boobs, which he made sure was the cleanest part of e as he went over them so many times, then down my stomach. I rested my eyes, leaning my head back and enjoying feeling his hands all over me.

When he finished, I opened my eyes and took the sponge from him. We switch positions again, now I'm under the water and he gets to stand in the cold. I put more soap on the loofa and ran it up and down Eddie's back before turning him my way and washing his chest.

"Is Dustin still home?" I ask as I watch the soap trail along his body.

"No, Mike came by and practically dragged him out by his ankles," he chuckled.

"So we're alone," I smirked, more to myself but Eddie saw.

"Mhm," he hummed. "You like when we're alone?" He paused as my smile grew. He leaned down by my ear. "You like the things we do when we're alone?" He whispered.

"I guess," I shrugged with a laugh. Eddie grabbed my wrist as I was about to get to his lower stomach.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Kinda?"

"I could always use a reminder," I smile up at him.

"Of course. But, not in here," he smiled, releasing my hand.

I laughed to myself and continued washing his body. We swapped places again so he could rinse all the soap off. Eddie then grabbed the shampoo, rubbing it between his hands. He brought his hands to my hair and started scrubbing, making my eyes roll back into my head.

Once he was finished, I rinsed out the shampoo and put in conditioner on my own, clipping it back so it can soak into my hair. I grab the shampoo and rub it between my hands. "Let me get your hair."

Eddie stood in front of me with his back to me. I tugged his hair slightly so he would lean back. I scrubbed his hair and this kid fucking moaned. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Munson," I laugh.

"Shut up."

I moved him under the water and watched him rinse the shampoo from his hair.

Eddie then moved his hands to my waist, pulling me to him. I smile up at him and wrapped my arms around his torso as he leaned down to kiss me. I moved my hands into his hair. His tongue slipped into my mouth, catching me off guard but I accepted it.


Author's Note: I know the chapter is shorter but I'm tired so.. cry about it :) Also, I'm making Eddie's battle vest but as a jacket b,c I think bests are ugly. Anyway, next chapter is smut. 

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