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I open my eyes, looking around. I didn't feel Eddie next to me anymore. I felt cold. I sat up, looking around the dark room. Getting off the bed, I look around confused. Where am I? I walk to the door and open it, revealing the hallway from the abandoned house. How did I get back here?

My heart dropped as I heard the chimes of a clock. I walk out into the hallway and at the end, sure enough, is a grandfather clock. I blinked and the clock was replaced by Vecna.

"Shit" I whisper as my eyes widened. I turn around and run down the stairs in fear. Before I can reach the bottom, my feet are lifted from the floor. Vecna started speaking but I couldn't hear him through the pain of my bones snapping.

"Forget about me already?"


I sat up gasping for air, putting my arms out in front of me to see that they were perfectly fine. I look around and notice that I'm back in my bedroom. Eddie sits up beside me, giving me a concerned look.

"Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around me.

"Vecna he, he got me," I say, trying to calm my breathing.

"It's just a nightmare," Eddie smiled at me, pushing my hair away from my face.

"It felt so... real."

"You're okay. He's long gone."

Eddie and I laid back down. He kept his arms around me, kissing my temple.

"It's hard to forget about him, Eddie," I sigh.

"I know, baby," he whispered. "You have to remember that everything you saw wasn't real. It was all in your head," Eddie ripped my head, causing me to fall asleep.


Author's note: I know this one is short. I'm going to post another one in a bit :) Sorry for not posting yesterday.  

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