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We continued rowing farther out, but I couldn't help but look back to the land where Dustin and his friends stood. I could hardly even see them and it worried me. My leg started bouncing as I anxiously chewed on my thumbnail. I couldn't look away.

I felt Eddie's hand press against my leg, stopping it from moving.

"They're going to be fine, Y/n. If anyone comes, they'll get them away," he smiled, soothingly rubbing my leg.

I looked away from the direction of the shore and meet Eddie's eyes, giving him a relieved smile.

"God, the sexual tension in this boat is crazy," Robin blurts out, catching everyone off guard.

"Robin what-" Steve was quickly cut off.

"Oh please, don't even. Nancy can't stop looking at Steve. Steve is trying his hardest not to look at Nancy. And you two are doing who knows what!" Robin rambled as Eddie kept his hand on my leg.

"Robin!" I say, bringing her attention to me and mouth a 'what the fuck' to her, confused on why she's calling everyone out.

"Oh please, you two can't wait to get out of this boat so you can go do some porno stuff," She eyed me and Eddie.

My cheeks flushed and my stomach twisted in embarrassment.

"Robin, she was panicking," Eddie said, sticking up for me.

"Panicking over what? How wet she is for you?" Robin yelled out for the world to hear.

"What the fuck, Robin? Are you on something?" I quickly turn to her, analyzing her face.

"Pfft, I only had," She pulls out her hands and starts counting on her fingers. "Eighteen hits," She laughs, looking back at all of us.

I shake my head, laughing at her when Eddie leans over and whispers in my ear. "Is she wrong about you, princess?"

My cheeks flush pink again. I hit Eddie in the shoulder with the back of my hand, making him laugh.

"Robin, next time we are about to explore a portal to another dimension, maybe don't get stoned right before," Steve laughs at Robin who is rolling her head back and forth.

"If you guys could feel this, you'd never be sober," she stated, looking amazed.

"Woah, Woah. Hey, stop the boat," Steve stands. "The compass is going crazy," he said, looking between everyone. "I'll go in."

"Okay, Steve. Enough with the hero bullshit. Do a cannonball!" Robin yells, excitedly.

Steve gave her an unimpressed look.

"Okay," he says with a deep breath, removing his shirt.

Steve's action makes Eddie turn his head to me but finds me already looking at him, causing him to smile at me.

Robin nudged my shoulder then nodded her head to Nancy who was practically drooling over Steve. We both giggled as Steve dove into the water.

"Hey, aren't you with that Jonathan kid?" Eddie said to Nancy.

She quickly shook her head as if ridding the thought of Steve. "Oh, Uhm, yeah," she said with a nervous laugh.

Eddie nodded, giving her a tight smile then looking to me.

The three of us became increasingly worried about Steve since his time underwater was hitting the two-minute mark.

A few seconds later, Steve suddenly comes up from the water, gasping for air, just before something drags him back down. We all stood, frozen.

"We have to go get him," Nancy states before diving in after him.

Robin shrugs and jumps in, yelling "Cannonball!"

"Fuck, on top of being a wanted criminal, now I have to take swimming lessons?" Eddie complained, removing his jean jacket and Hellfire shirt. I immediately start admiring his shirtless figure. "Not now, sweetheart. We've got a Harrington to save," he said before diving into the water.

I groan and dive in after him.

I push through the frigid water, deeper and deeper until I see Eddie near a red, glowing gate. We exchanged nods and slipped through watergate. God, I hoped I would never end up back here.

About twenty feet away, Steve was getting mauled by these "bats". Robin and Nancy were trying to rip them off of him but failed every attempt.

Eddie and I noticed oars laying around and each grabbed one. We started swinging at the bats, knocking them off Steve. They squealed with every whack. Before the bat had the chance to get back to Steve, I put the end of the oar up to its throat, closed my eyes, and turned my head away before pressing with all my strength, decapitating the thing.

"Holy shit!" Eddie yelled, dodging a bat that was flying for his head.

Robin was running around, smashing bats' heads to a pulp with a decent-sized rock while Nancy was stomping on one, splattering its insides everywhere.

We rush to Steve, assessing his wounds. "Took like a pound of flesh but, I should be fine," he tried laughing but the laugh quickly turned to a wince. "Fuck!" He yelled in an attempt to stand, he held his breath through the pain as he stood up fully.

"Hey, guys. Unless we also want to be eaten, I suggest we run," Robin says, facing a large swarm of bats.

I grab her hand and start running for the woods.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now