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I sigh, looking at Eddie. Laying in this musty ass bed is kind of gross if I'm honest. I'm hoping the group will put their plan into action soon, so we can leave this hell hole.

"I'm in pain," I huffed. "And not even the good kind," I throw my good arm up in defeat, letting it fall back down to hit the mattress.

"Well sweetheart, if you want dick that's too damn bad," He crossed his arms, giving me a smug smile.

I give him an annoyed look. "So you're telling me I don't get a treat for being so brave when we get back?"

"Correct," he nodded, looking very sure of himself.

"But why?" I whined.

"Because you have a bad shoulder. If you want the full pleasure, you cant be focused on your shoulder hurting. Just gotta wait it out, princess," he rubbed his hand on my head, moving my hair away from my face.

"But don't worry," Eddie sat up, looking very noble. "It will only take about... forever to heal," he teased.

"Oh my god, Eddie! You're so funny! You should really get into stand-up," I laugh sarcastically, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey Eddie, I hope you work out cause you're going to have to carry her for our little adventure," Robin said, clapping her hands as she walked into the room.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I said, quickly turning my head in her direction.

"It means, your little boy toy better not be a weakling because if he cant carry you," She looks Eddie dead in the eyes. "Then he can't protect you either."

"Great to know you're not calling me fat," I nodded my head with a tight smile.

Eddie stood up, walking to the side of the bed opposite of my hurt shoulder.

"Alright princess, it's time to get the fuck out of here," he said with a smile, rubbing his hands together. He put one arm under my knees, while the other arm supported my back.

"Fuck!" I cry out. My neck and arm quickly became violently painful.

Eddie looked down at me, giving me a concerned look. "You alright?" He asked, looking at my shoulder.

"Mhm," I hummed, clenching my jaw to hold back any more screams that want to escape.

"Here we go," he smiled down at me, nodding reassuringly.

Then Eddie followed behind Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Dustin, talking to me the whole time, trying to distract my mind from the pain.

When I turn the other way to see where we are. It's the lake.

"You guys want my disabled ass to swim through watergate?" I questioned, wondering how I'm not going to drown.

"Hopefully your Eddie boo bear can swim like a pro," Dustin shrugged as they all started running to the gate, wanting to avoid any of the bats.

I hold on tightly to Eddie as ran through the deserted lake. The pain in my arm increasing with every bounce from Eddie's steps.

I try and hold back tears as Eddie comes to a stop. "Hey, it's okay," he whispers.

"Alright, we have to go in two at a time," Nancy suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Dustin and Robin went through first.

"See you guys on the other side! If I don't make it, tell-,"

"Save the speech for later, Henderson. Now, go before we get eaten alive!" Steve interrupted.

Dustin glared at Steve. "Fuck you! Bedwetter!" he held up both middle fingers while also trying to climb through the gate.

Once they were through, Nancy and Steve looked at me and Eddie. Nancy nodded, giving us the 'okay' to go. My anxiety was building, knowing this wasn't the best idea but, what other choice is there?

"Hold on tight, try kicking your legs, and do not move your arms," Eddie said before leaning down, diving into the portal.

I held my breath but the air was quickly taken from my lungs. The lake water seeped into my wound, causing pain to shoot throughout my body. Nevertheless, I kicked with all my power, being careful not to put any pressure on Eddie. As I saw the surface getting closer and closer, I smiled.

Eddie and I gasped for air when we reached the surface.

"Shit, shit, fuck, shit," I cried out, trying my best to keep my head above water.

"It's okay, Y/n, you're okay, I've got you," Eddie said, breathlessly. He continued to hold me up to the best of his abilities.

"Take her to the shore," Robin said. "Dustin and I can wait for them."

Eddie nodded and we both began swimming to shore. It was a pain in the ass, especially since it's hard to stay above water with only one arm. I accidentally move my shoulder a few times, making me scream out in pain but, we made it eventually.

I walked about five feet from the water before laying on my back, gasping from all the pain.

"It's going to be okay. I'll fix this," Eddie panicked, sounding worried while tears streamed down the side of my face.

I heard someone come out of the water.

"Oh shit, Y/n," Dustin mumbled. "The cloth must have fallen off in the water," he panicked, looking around the shore for it.

"Dustin," Eddie said but got no response. "Dustin," he said again while Dustin roamed around, panicking, trying to find the cloth. "Dustin!" He yelled, finally getting his attention.

"She's going to be fine. She just needs to calm down. You need to calm down," he said, holding my hand.

I laid there as still as possible but the pain was still pulsing through my body. Tears continued to fall one after another. I did my best to keep quiet as Eddie hugged me and repeatedly kissed my forehead.

Dustin stood, looking at the water as Robin, Nancy, and Steve walked out of the lake.

"They made it!" Dustin yelled.

"Dustin! Shut the fuck up! Someone could hear us," Eddie whisper yelled.

Dustin's hands shot up in defense, mouthing "Sorry."

I weakly look down at my soaked pants, looking up to see Robin standing at my feet. I give her a weak smile.

"Fuck," Eddie whispered, looking at my wound. "Guys, she's losing a lot of blood," he said, starting to panic.

My eyes were getting heavier, tears continued to fall from my eyes. I felt cold, weak, and useless. I tried keeping my eyes open. Everyone's voices faded into one jumbled mess. I couldn't fight how heavy my eyes were. 

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