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I woke up again only it was nighttime now.

Eddie and I are now drawing all over each other with sharpie all because I drew a smiley face on his hand and he always has to one-up me. I also may or may not have written "your mom" on his thigh.

"Wait, I'm almost done!" He laughed.

"I know what you're drawing and I don't want that in permanent marker on my skin!"

"All done!" He sat up, closing the marker and dusting off his hands.

I look down at my ankle and to no surprise, this mother fucker drew a dick.

Eddie's POV:

"You know this is cruel, Munson," she looked up at me from my masterpiece.

"It's beautiful," I smile at her, making her roll her eyes.

"I can't believe you drew a penis on me when I told you not to," Y/n gets off the bed and makes her way to the bathroom.

"This penis is special!" I yell to her.

"Yeah? And why is that?" She peeked her head in the door, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Because it's my penis. You should be grateful," I gave her a cheesy smile.

"Oh my god, Eddie! You're right! I'm gonna go get this tattooed right now!" She says sarcastically as she walks back into the bathroom.

Y/n's POV:

I grab a washcloth from the cabinet and ran it under water with a little bit of soap. I put my foot up on the edge of the counter and started scrubbing the penis off.

"I'm going to Jimmy's!" My mom called from the front door.

"Have fun! I love you!" I yell back to her.

"And you don't have too much fun! No grandbabies yet!" She laughed before leaving and closing the door behind her.

I rolled my eyes and continued scrubbing.

Eddie's POV:

I got off the bed and walked over to Y/n's dresser. I'm nosey so ai start looking through it. She's gotta be hiding something good in here. I opened the top drawer. Socks and underwear, great start.

I move her stuff around and find nothing until I move her socks to the side. A magazine? I pull it out and sit back on her bed. It's just a TIME magazine, why would she hide it?

I flip through the pages, seeing celebrities and all of their drama of the week. In the middle of the magazine, there are folded pieces of paper. I took one out, unfolding it to see a guy bending a girl over. Oh shit. Her hands were cuffed to the bed and she looked helpless. The guy had his hand on her back and her back was arched for him, his head thrown back.

My eyes widened. I didn't think it would be straight porn in here. I didn't even know girls were into porn. I folded it back and opened another one. This one had a girl laid on her back, her hands also cuffed to the bedpost, her legs sprawled out. The guy had a hand on her throat the other putting pressure on her lower stomach.

Knowing she looks at these and hides them, especially from me made my mind wander. The image of her touching herself to these has me lost in thought, not realizing she had entered the room.

"What are you doing?"

I quickly closed the magazine, looking up at her. Her eyes moved from my face to the magazine, making her cheeks turn bright red. "Uh..." I say.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now