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I woke up to the sound of Eddie's soft snoring. But something was different. The bed doesn't feel like our bed. The blanket that was previously covering us is gone. The room was as dark as normal but it was like someone colored it blue.

I lift my head off of Eddie's chest and look around, noticing the windows aren't boarded up anymore. It's very gloomy outside, not even the slightest amount of sun could get through those clouds. Fuck.

I get up, rushing over to the window to see that there isn't even any glass. When I turn back around, there are vines everywhere, covering everything. Shit, shit, shit. The upside down. How the fuck did we get here? This has to be one of those fucked up dreams.

I heard the closet door creak behind me, causing me to turn on my heel almost giving myself whiplash.

"Henry?" I question the closet, annoyed.

I look back to the bed, noticing Eddie is still dead asleep. When I turn back to the closet, it's wide open and a piece of paper falls to the floor. A note.

Well, well number fifteen. Back so soon? Didn't you just leave? With no surprise, this is Henry.

I roll my eyes, not wanting to play into whatever game this is.

I'm different here, more powerful. Your little friends have called me Vecna. Now, listen carefully. This is not a dream. You are here, in my realm. It's time for your test. See you soon, number fifteen.


"Not a dream?" I whisper to myself, looking down at my wrist where the tattoo usually is. Nothing. "Shit shit fuck shit ugh!" I groan.

I walk over to Eddie, shaking him awake. "Eddie, get up. Now!"

His eyes opened and he quickly sat up, turning his head side to side to figure out where we are. "What? What the fuck? What are you doing?" Confusion quickly spread across his face.

"Eddie, we gotta go," I take his hand and start walking.

"Um, okay," he climbs out of bed, struggling to keep hold of my hand.

We walk out of the house and wander down the street.

"Why are we back here?" He asked before interrupting himself. "No, fuck that. How are we back here?"

"I don't know. He said it was a test," I say, trying not to panic.

"A test? He? Who is he?" Eddie walks slightly ahead of me, walking backward so he can face me.

"Henr- Vecna,"

"Vecna? Like from D&D?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"His real name is Henry. I don't know, Dustin and his friends name the creatures in here. But I don't really know who Henry is, all I know is that he's a memory from my past. I've been remembering things that I didn't even know existed," I ramble, trying to explain as much in as little time possible.

"And you're just telling me this now?" He said, sounding upset.

"Because I didn't know this was real or not. I don't know. Okay? This shit is so fucking confusing my head is going a mile a minute! I just don't know what the fuck is going on!" Shit, I didn't mean to yell at him. "Sorry."

He shakes his head, surprised. "Yeah, no, yeah it's okay. It's a lot I'd assume."

"Yeah," I give a fake laugh.

"I think everything will turn out fine. You'll figure out whatever test and we can leave. Okay?" He gave me a sincere smile which calmed my nerves a bit.

"Hopefully it's a quick test because I need to know what the fuck is going on."

We continued to aimlessly walk, not sure where to go. Henry never said much about a "test".

"What the fuck?" Eddie stopped walking, looking up to a stop sign.

"Wha-" I cut myself off, reading the sign. "Where it all began,"

Eddie looked at me confused but it instantly clicked in my mind.

"Will's house!" I snapped and pointed at Eddie.

"Will lives in California?" Eddie still looked very confused.

"His old house," I say as I start walking, Eddie following next to me.

We make our way to the house, It's still the way it was before they left. Before anything happened.

"This is some Scooby-Doo shit," Eddie said, walking into the house behind me.

The inside of the house was clean, normal. We both look around surprised as the lights turned on.

I saw an arrow pointing towards the living room. So, following along with scary movie logic, I follow it. I notice the wall with the alphabet painted on it. I guess this isn't before everything happened. The lights were flickering above a few letters.

"What the fuck?" Eddie says, still confused.

W-I-L-L-S The lights pause. H-I-D-E-O-U-T

"Will's hideout? Where's that?" He asks.

"The woods, let's go," I say, quickly walking outside.

"Great, more walking," Eddie complained, throwing his hands up and letting them fall dramatically.

We walk through the woods, pushing branches out of the way. I hit Eddie in the face a few times, that was funny.

"Why is there so much fucking walking?" Eddie groaned.

"Why is there so much fucking complaining?" I mock, turning back to smile at him. "We're only going slow because your legs only have one speed and it's 'grandma'"

Eddie groaned in frustration as we finally reach the hideout. I bent down, opening the 'door' to look inside but fall on my ass with a scream when I find two unconscious people.

"Dustin and Robin?!" I yell out. I rush over to them, seeing they each have a paper on them.



I shook Robin awake while Eddie woke up Dustin, yelling out every curse he could think of. The both of them wake up, obviously confused. We pulled both of them up and out of the hideout.

When we started walking, we had only walked maybe twenty feet. There was a smoothed-out tree with another note on it. Fucking hell. What is this? A scavenger hunt?

The water is rising

The lake.

"You brought us here, didn't you?" Dustin points at Robin. "Yeah? And how would I have done that?" She responds, making Dustin shrug his shoulders. "We all just woke up here?" Eddie joining into their conversation. Dustin and Robin nod their heads. "What were you guys doing before?" Eddie asks. "I don't fucking know, Eddie!" Dustin yells.

"Can all of you please shut the fuck up!" I say, quickly turning back to them. They quieted down, looking at me. "We can explain everything we know on the way, yeah?" I raise my eyebrows and nod my head at them before turning back around, headingf" to the lake.

After explaining everything and a lot of bickering later, we arrive at the lake. Something falls with a gross squish in front of me. Then suddenly it was pouring from the sky, into the lake. Gross. It was chunky. Different sizes are falling from the sky.

"I'm gonna throw up," Eddie says, being dramatic. "What is that shit?"

"It looks like blood? Human, maybe?" Robin said, her eyes widening in shock.

"Sitting here and staring at it isn't going to help. We have to go," I say. 

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now