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Eddie and I ran back into his room, diving into the fort. I laugh as Eddie holds his finger tightly. He jammed it on a chair when he crawled in here too fast, not watching where he was going. I straddle his lap, giving him a million kisses all over his head and face, then one on his finger. You know, to make it feel better.

"Damn, that's the one I wanted too," I sigh very dramatically.

"The one you wanted?" Eddie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah, I need this one," I held up his first finger. "And this one," I bring his middle finger up with it. "And maybe even this one," I hold up his ring finger. "To fuck me," I laugh with a shrug. "And..." I drag out the word as I hold up his thumb. "This one, to play with me," I giggle, dropping his hand.

Eddie brought his hand up to the side of my face, rubbing his thumb to my cheek. He pulled me in, kissing me deeply before pulling away. "You're such a slut for my touch," he smiled against my lips. "You're lucky I hurt my left hand, not my right," he whispered before leaning back in.

He pulled away momentarily, looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" I look between his eyes, wondering what's going on in that little brain of his.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I don't want to make you uncomfortable at all. Don't feel like you have to do anything. I can wait as long as you need," he smiled, comforting me.

I smile back at him. "Yes, Eddie. I'm completely okay with this. I know you're not him. Now pin me down and fuck me please," I give him a sweet smile.

Eddie smiled, rolling me off of him so now he's on top. He laid his body between my legs and started making out with me again.

Someone knocks at the door, making me and Eddie sigh.

"Ugh," I groaned dramatically. Eddie makes a tight smile and crawls out of the fort, opening his bedroom door.

"Dustin? What are you doing here?" He sounds surprised. I swear we locked the front door.

"I came to talk to you, about Y/n," Dustin sounds excited but nervous. He's always been a little scared of Eddie.

"Uhm now isn't really the best time," Eddie says as I peek my head out to see him hiding his lower half behind the door.

"Well, it's important. Do you have someone in there?" Dustin goes to peek his head but Eddie moves to block his view.

"Yeah, I do. Can you go now?" Eddie tries rushing him out.

"Who? Y/n?" Dustin tries peeking past Eddie again.

"Yes, leave. Please," He says before Dustin pushes past him and sees my head poking out from the fort.

"Perfect! Y/n, Hi!" Dustin sits crisscross in front of me.

"Hey Dusty bun!" I mock Suzie, crawling fully out of the fort and sitting in front of Dustin.

"Ha ha, so funny," He rolls his eyes at me as I quickly glance at Eddie, hearing him chuckle. "I need an update."

"On what?" I look at him confused.

"You two," he points his finger between us.

"We're together. I'm helping him stay clean. He's helping me with... stuff. All good," I smile.

"Jeez, I missed a lot," Dustin says. I look over at Eddie who's leaning on the door with his hands 'casually' crossed over himself, hiding his boner.

"Yep! Now leave," Eddie gave him a quick smile.

"Why? What's the rush?" He looks between us again. This kid cannot read a room.

"Me and Eddie were having an important conversation before you rudely interrupted. I love you, see you at home, bye!" I nod my head to the door.

"Fine. Have a good talk. Love you," he smiled at me before finally leaving.

I smiled at Eddie as he closed the door behind Dustin. We waited for the front door to close and Eddie's eyes widened at the fact that we did not lock the door. He rushes out quickly, locking the door before coming back.

"Having a problem with your lower region?" I ask, looking Eddie up and down.

He nodded his head as I crawled back into the fort. I laid back onto my back and Eddie returned his body between my legs, kissing me again. I move my hands to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the side. He pulled off my shirt too, I had to lift up a bit to get it fully off. His hands roamed my body as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He pulled my pants and underwear off, tossing them with our shirts, along with his boxers.

"One hundred percent sure?" He pulled away from the kiss.

"Maybe like, two percent," I paused. A serious look fell onto his face. "I'm just busting your balls, Munson!" I laughed.

"So, you're completely positive?" He reassured.

"I'm completely positive I want you to fuck me," I giggled.

Eddie smiled at me, reaching for his jeans and pulling a condom out of the pocket. He tore the condom open with his teeth and rolled it on. His face now filled with lust as he looked back at me.

He lined himself up before quickly pushing into me, making me cry out. He put his hand over my mouth, muffling any noise.

He pounded into me very fast, over and over again. He can't contain his moans anymore and removes his hand from my mouth. I wrap an arm behind his neck, pulling him down to kiss me. This kiss muffled our moans but only barely. His cold rings glided down my stomach as his thumb reached my clit. He rubbed it rapidly, almost making me finish right then and there.

He started going faster. I moved my hands into his hair for something to hold onto, making him groan. He continually hit that perfect spot, making me tighten around him.

The knot in my stomach continued to tighten.

"Faster," I moaned out, pulling away from the kiss.

"I'm gonna cum," he whispered against my mouth.

I nodded, kissing him again since I couldn't form a sentence for the life of me. He moaned loudly and twitched inside of me as he came. A few good slams into me later, I finished too. He pulled out of me, the only noise in the room being our heavy breaths.

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