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"Stop being a fucking hog!" I cross my arms, slouching into my bed.

Eddie put the joint between his lips, taking another long hit. He held it for a moment, looking me dead in the eyes before blowing the smoke out the window. "Calm down!" He laughed.

"Fuck you, it's my turn! You took like two of my turns!" I snatch the joint from his fingers and put it up to my lips, inhaling a few times before also blowing it out the window.

"Okay, that was two hits, my turn," he started to reach for it.

I pull my hand back, shaking my head. "No, one hit. Two inhales. Just in the same hit," I give him a sarcastic smile.

"Who's the hog now?" Eddie pouts.

I held in another puff. With the smoke still in my lungs, I turn to Eddie, look him straight in the eyes and blow the smoke in his face. "Still you," I smile, rustling his hair. He waved his hand around, moving the smoke from his face.

"You're lucky I love you," he laughed.

I smile at him before taking two more, well deserved, hits. I pass the joint back to Eddie and he took two hits before passing it back to me and standing up.

"Well," he sighed. "I've gotta go," he smiled, leaning down to kiss me quickly before turning away.

Wait," I grab his wrist as he turns away from me. "When are we gonna hang out again?" I ask nervously. We haven't really left each other since, you know.

He gave me a comforting smile before bringing my hand up to his mouth, kissing my knuckles. "Tomorrow."

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah, okay."

He nodded, walking out of my bedroom and closing the door behind him. I sighed, bringing my knees to my chest and looking out the window. I laugh, seeing Eddie jogging to his van.


I sat in the kitchen, still in my pajamas as I ate some cereal.

"Uh, hey, Y/n. I need to talk to you. About Eddie," Dustin walked over to the table, sitting across from me.

"What's up?" I look up at him from my bowl before taking another bite.

"I know, this is gonna seem crazy. And please trust me, I know how this is gonna sound. But after we thought you... died. Eddie fell into a really bad place and got involved with really bad people," He fiddled with his hands, avoiding eye contact.

"Mhm," I hummed as my eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, he started doing drugs. Like, worse than weed, worse than cigarettes," Dusting glanced at me quickly before focusing back on his hands.

"Like what, Dustin? Spit it out," I said, starting to get nervous.

"He started," Dustin paused, turning his head. "He started doing lines, Y/n. Like, cocaine. And now he's acting differently to everyone, a jackass really."

I sat there confused, no longer interested in eating. I stood up, looking at Dustin.

"I, uh. I gotta go," I walk out of the house and to Eddie's trailer. I need him to admit it to me. I need to hear it from his mouth. I need him to tell me the truth.


I knock on the door a few times, taking a step back as I waited for an answer. In no time the door swung open, startling me. Some man I'd never seen before was stood in front of me in a wife-beater and messy hair. His eyes looked really heavy like he hadn't slept in days. They were also very red. He looked weak, scrawny, but young.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now