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"What if she has a concussion?"

"It's possible."

"We can't bring her to a doctor."

"Yeah, Eddie is still on the run. If they find her, they find Eddie."

"How would they find Eddie through her?"

"Because she's been hiding out with him, they've been attached at the hip."

My eyes flutter open and my eyes are immediately drawn to Eddie. His head was turned away from me but he was holding my hand, his leg bouncing trying to get rid of his anxiety. My eyes wander around the room, finding Dustin and Robin leaving the room. Room? Where am I? It's dark in here. I try to sit up but cry out as the pain in my shoulder shot through my whole arm and up my neck.

"Y/n?" Eddie's head turned quicker than I've ever seen. He smiles at me, looking relieved. "You're awake! Fuck, you scared me," he got up to hug me, being extremely careful about my shoulder. "I didn't know how long I had to wait to hear your voice again," his eyes started tearing up but he quickly turned away, not wanting me to see him cry. But I saw anyway.

"What happened? Why does my shoulder hurt?" I ask, giving Eddie a confused look.

"You don't remember?" his eyebrows furrowed.

"Just give her time. She just woke up from a borderline coma. Now move, loverboy," Robin said, walking in. She pushed Eddie aside to hug me, not as gentle as he did.

"Robin, my shoulder," I hissed in pain.

"Oh- I'm- I'm sorry. I just missed you. After all, I haven't gotten to see my favorite person in so long!" she groaned, making me laugh.

"How long do you think it's gonna be until she remembers?" Eddie asked Robin as she went to walk back out the door.

"I don't know, an hour?" She shrugged. "Y/n, just rest for now. Me, Dustin, Steve, and Nancy are coming up with a plan since the gate in Eddie's trailer is now surrounded by cops," She said and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"So, how was your nap?" Eddie asked, chuckling.

I give him a straight face, not impressed with his joke.

"So, what was it like being in a coma?" he asked, pulling his chair so he could sit closer. He laid his head down on my lap, grabbing my hand and playing with the ring he gave me.

"One big dream I guess. I could still hear that people were talking around me but I didn't know if it was in my head or not. How long was I out?" I look down at our intertwined hands.

"Eh, two days-ish," he shrugged, looking up at me with a sympathetic smile.

"I don't think I've slept that long since I was in the womb," I joked.

"Those two days were brutal. Actual hell. I was scared you weren't going to wake up," he sighed, looking back down at our hands.

"Missed me that much, Munson?" I asked, bringing his hand up to my lips, kissing his knuckles.

"Of course I did," he mumbled.

"Wait," he looks up at me eagerly. "Was I in your dream?"

"Unfortunately not. My dream was weird. Well, all that I can remember of it. I just kept seeing butterflies," I laughed.

"Well, you were high when you passed out," he laughed. "That Demogorgon picked you up by the shoulder and slammed you onto the ground," he frowned at the memory. "And you know, hardwood isn't exactly great for your skull," he gave me a half-hearted laugh.

After he told me what happened, I started remembering. Before I could only remember as far as us being on the boat.

"You okay?" he tilted his head down, tucking my hair behind my ear so he could get a good look at my face.

"Yeah. Yeah, I just, I remember now," I give him a weak smile.

Eddie smiles, kissing my temple. "Good, I really wanted to make sure you remember what happened before Robin dragged us out of the house," he wiggled his eyebrows, making me roll my eyes.

"Stop doing the eyebrow thing," I laugh.

"You love it," he responded.

"But, I could never forget my first time," I smile at him.

"Good, cause I got worried," he laughed.

He laid his head back down in my lap, playing with my ring again. I was braiding a few strands of his hair while I assessed where I am. I'm laying in a bed, in the upside-down, with no blankets and a pillow under my head. This looks like Dustin's room.

The door opens and Dustin walks in. "Hey, we have a plan. You're just going to have to deal with the pain in your shoulder for a while until we get you back to that abandoned house," he stops any action he was planning on making, looking between me and Eddie. "You're joking," he said, looking at me with a very stern face. "When did this happen?" he pointed between the two of us.

I roll my eyes as I attempt to get up without moving my shoulder at all. "Dustin, I don't have the time or energy to have this conversation right now," I say as Eddie puts his hand on my back as support.

"Fine, don't tell me. Just keep secrets from me now!" he threw his hands up in defeat.

"Chill out little guy," Eddie said, rustling Dustin's hair as he walked past him to stand in front of me and help me up. Dustin quickly smacked his hand away. "Easy tooth fairy!" Eddie laughed, holding his hands up in defense. "Just because your teeth are barely growing in, doesn't mean you need mine."

"Eddie now isn't the time for jokes," Dustin crossed his arms. "But it was a good one I guess," he mumbled, emitting a smile from Eddie.

"Listen, Dustin," I spoke up. "Eddie and I are together whether you like it or not. And it wasn't a secret I just didn't have the chance to tell you. Just because Eddie is your friend, doesn't mean I can't be with him."

"Yeah! What she said!" Eddie stood proudly.

"Fine, but if either of you even think about kissing in front of me, I will puke all over you," he sighed.

Just then, Eddie quickly bent down giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Dustin fake gags. "Oh my god, I'm going to be sick," he fake gags again, holding his stomach. He walked out of the room. "Nasty fuckers!" he yelled from down the hall, making me and Eddie laugh.

He leaned down to kiss me again but I put my hand to his chest, stopping him.

"I haven't eaten anything or brushed my teeth in two days," I mention.

"Neither have I," He shrugged before reaching into his back pocket. "But like I said, I'm always prepared for you," he said, pulling out a pack of gum with a grin.

I took a piece, laughing as we both put the gum in our mouths.

He leaned down, bringing his lips to mine while I leaned back, into his hand for support before laying down on the bed. Eddie brought his knee up beside me, standing over me, deepening the kiss. It lasted a good few minutes before I pull away.

"Okay Eddie," I laugh. "They're gonna come up any second."

"While I don't want to stop kissing you, or care if anyone sees, I could do so much more to you later," He smirked. "You know, not in the upside down."

I laugh. "Then we will continue later," I nod my head.

"Sounds like a plan. An amazing fucking plan. God, I love that brain of yours," he says, helping me up again.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now